The REAL reason Canelo and GGG have 'Granite Chins'.

Breaking down what makes them so durable, and how they can take so many shots and seem un-phased.
1. Look at the way they defend.

Their Body position:
- Hunched over (stacks head over neck)
- Elevated Traps (Shields + Stabilises neck)
- Neck Flexed = Makes the spinal segments as short as possible, versus sticking neck out.
2. Thick Neck, Traps and Large Shoulders.

- The shoulders provide a secondary shield.
- The Neck / Traps, reduce the likelihood of the skull moving.

How does someone typically get knocked out?
The skull moves rapidly, causing the brain to hit the skull cavity.
The body reacts to this with a natural defence mechanism:

- Bringing the body horizontal, allowing sufficient blood flow to the brain to avoid trauma
- When you get knocked out, you fall to the ground, and create the condition explained above.
3. Finally, both GGG and Canelo, ROLL with punches.

This prevents the skull/brain from absorbing all of the force of a punch.

- Instead reduced the force of the punch.
- Further reduces chance of being knocked out with their 'shelled' position.
As striking athletes,

- Train neck & traps
- Learn to deflect force from punches by rolling with them
- Adopt a stacked neck position, especially when in close range and exchanging shots.

There is more to a 'granite chin', than just being born like that.
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