How I stopped binge eating

1. Got help

If you thought I was going to say I magically intuitively ate and “listened to my body” and never binged again...wrong.

>> hire a qualified dietitian or nutritionist
>> talk to a therapist

The mentality of “I can do it myself” only led me to repeat the cycles.
2. No good or bad foods, but effective foods.

Instead of waffles are bad, I would ask myself is this food effective towards my recovery?

Anytime I wanted to restrict, I would ask this question.
3. Know when to introduce binge foods in the house.

I was binging a lot (3x a week). It was more harm to keep “binge” foods in the house.

It took me a few months to be comfortable with these foods in the house.
4. Stopped tracking.

Trying to hit calories and macros became obsessive—>>need to be perfect.
5. Ate 3 solid meals a day (no skipping!)

Each meal aimed to have a balance of fat, protein, carbs since I normally skimped on the fat and carbs.
6. Journalling.

Hated it at first. Started with 2 min a day of just whatever I was feeling in that moment.

Use an app (I like Reflectly), journal, or notepad- any works.
7. Changed the environment

When a trigger came up, I made a habit of leaving the environment even if it was just for 15 min.

>>15 minute walk
>> Go for a drive
>> Set a timer and do chores
>> Call a friend to chat
8. Be OK with slip ups

If you binge eat, it will not just go away overnight. You will have slip ups. Instead of seeing it as a failure, I tried to learn from it.

>>Did I restrict
>>Was I stressed
>> What can I do next time
There are plenty of other things that helped me- but these were just a few.

Hoping it maybe helps someone out there ✌️
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