What I am going to say may potentially make me unpopular, but given that I don't give a crap about my popularity (or lack thereof) here it goes:

Stop making people feel bad about not taking time off over the holidays.

I am going to make a thread out of this b/c it deserves it.
I have loved public policy ever since I realized that it was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Practically everything I do/study/work on is associated with public affairs and public issues.

Populations are heterogeneous.

If you have ever taken my courses, ...
... you will KNOW and remember that the first lesson in Dr. Pacheco-Vega's courses is that POPULATIONS ARE HETEROGENEOUS.

You can't use blanket approaches to developing and implementing public policies when public issues have so many different elements that comprise them.
There is no blanket approach to anything on this planet.

We generalize and develop broadstrokes policy interventions because there is a limit to state capacity to solve public issues and deliver public services. Not because it's the right approach to designing public policy.
Taking into account this heterogeneity into every aspect of life has taken me a VERY long time.

I have been a firm proponent of "writing every day". It works for me. It has helped me push forward whenever I've struggled.

This approach does not work for everyone.

I write with two groups of wonderful individuals whose individual circumstances are unique. A number of them are academic mothers, and I remain in awe of how they can accomplish everything they do. Others (like me) are single.

Each individual has unique circumstances.

There is no way to recommend to anybody that they do X or Y simply because the only people who can know what works best for them is themselves.

Some people may need this couple of weeks to catch up, prepare for pivoting to do something else, look for work, heal (phys/mentally)
Let's give people the freedom to decide what works best for them regarding taking time off. Yes, there is a metric tonne of work published on the benefits of taking holidays. But this year has crushed many people's lives. I think we all could benefit from being merciful.
It has taken me MANY YEARS to realize that what I do, suggest and propose does not work for everyone.

This is an important realization, and one reason why I don't like calling my blog "advice". I showcase what works for me, and if it works for you all, all the better.
Take time off if you can/want, and if you can't, may the steps you are taking help you in the future, and may we soon live in a society that facilitates structures of support that enable taking time off not as a privilege or luxury but as a given for all members of society.
You can follow @raulpacheco.
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