When someone has publicly championed scientific orthodoxy for 30 years it takes integrity to be open to considering contrary evidence.

It's exceptional for one who's written a "how to" book based on that belief to renounce parts of it based on a new understanding.

No one likes to say "I was wrong." It's especially difficult when it makes one subject to attacks from peers and colleagues.

@ProfTimNoakes has faced all of that, including having to defend himself in court at risk of his professional license.

He formerly was "all in" on carb loading for high performance in athletic competition, and even was an inventor of a glucose goo marathoners take to recharge mid-race. He was a highly regarded sports medicine expert and author.

But then @ProfTimNoakes found himself overweight and with Type 2 #diabetes, despite being an active runner who had completed 70 marathons and ultramarathons.

He also had seen his father die from #t2d.

So he dug into the dietary evidence.

He quickly came to the conclusion that evidence supporting the #lowfat diet is totally insufficient to justify governments imposing it on all of Western society.

He "came out" with this new belief publicly, which made him something of a lightning rod.

That's what landed him in front of a South African tribunal on charges that he had acted "unprofessionally and in a manner that is not in accordance with the standards and norms of the medical profession."

He (with a team of pro bono attorneys) tenaciously presented his case, including evidence for the #LCHF diet.

He was found not guilty.

I've watched several videos of @ProfTimNoakes telling his story. The pain he endured in this struggle was real.

It left some scars.

I'm so grateful for pioneers like him and @FructoseNo who have had the courage to risk and face down challenges to their licensure.

Their examples fortify laypersons like me. We're not crazy.

I hope you'll check out this blog post, in which I've embedded a video of @ProfTimNoakes reviewing the scientific method, how we know things scientifically, and health implications of fat vs. carbs.

For epidemiological studies, the measured effect (or hazard ratio) needs to be > 2.0x to consider causation likely. For chimney sweeps getting scrotal cancer is was 2000x, and for heavy cigarette smoking and lung cancer 20-30x.

Let this sink in.

It's what @ProfTimNoakes calls "The Science of Scaremongering." The real danger comes from Insulin Resistance.

I hope this gives you enough of a taste that you'll check out the post and embedded video.

As @ProfTimNoakes says, he and his critics "can't both be right."

You are betting your life on one side or the other right now.

Or maybe you're just not really paying attention.

You should pay attention.

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