Today I'll share some amazing #FOSS #gamedev projects/libraries, mostly C/C++, that I like and I follow the development. First one is GLFW, a window/context/input management lib, for OpenGL and Vulkan initialization:  1/n
Next one: the popular STB libraries: C/C++, single-file, header-only, self-contained, portable... The most notable ones are probably stb_image and stb_truetype, intended to load multiple image file formats and TTF/OTF fonts rasterization:  2/n
Next: miniaudio, a complete audio library to manage device initialization, playback and recording, supporting multiple OS and and backends... and all contained in a single portable header-only C file... just amazing! Check it out: 3/n
bgfx, a cross-platform rendering library, supporting multiple graphics APIs: OpenGL, Direct3D, Metal, Vulkan... and multiple versions of each API! Very impressive! Check it out:  4/n
In the same line as STB we have the amazing sokol headers, including sokol-gfx, similar to bgfx, a 3D graphics API supporting several backends (OpenGL, Metal, Direct3D11). Just check the repo for the multiple available libraries!  5/n
Next one: The super-popular Dear ImGui, an immediate-mode C/C++ GUI library. Probably the best option right now for your in-game tooling and editors! Just check the repo for additional info:  6/n
I like immediate-mode gui libraries, so, following the line of Dear ImGui, here there are other 3 libraries to create immediate mode interfaces:  (this is mine!),  and  7/n
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