The eyes are the mirrors of our souls, the visual sensors of our brains.

You process their messages to see the world and stand appropriately.

This thread explores the mirrors of the world’s richest man, along with some of the most notorious serial killers of our times.
The information sent by your eyes to your brain is a crucial variable to measure the position of your head.

This exchange lets your nervous system choose the best muscle tone to keep your body upright all day long.
Now, both eyes must move symmetrically to send a clear picture, otherwise the signal is distorted.

Your brain gets the wrong information, so your posture adapts to compensate.

This video of one of my clients shows the convergence motion that happens when you focus on a target.
Here is another client with an eye convergence insufficiency.

His left eye would rotate in the opposite direction when he focused on the tip of pen.

This imbalance caused severe neck pain and proprioception issues that we fixed with regular eye exercises.
Back to Mr. Amazon,

I’ve noticed Jeff Bezos has a striking eye asymmetry.

His right side hangs lower than the left, and the muscle tone around each eye is different

One seems more shut than the other.
The brain levels out an uneven visual field by either tilting the head or shifting the shoulders.

I assess someone’s head tilt by looking at the eye line and the ear lobes
His shoulders are relatively levelled here, but his head tilts left again.

It’s either one or the other.
This picture is the only one I found with a left tilt. His right shoulder has shifted up as you can see.
Moving on from the tech billionaire to the darker corners of the human psyche.

Let’s look at the gazes of some famous serial killers.

There’s a fine line between genius and madness, and perhaps it starts at the eyes.

Charles Manson
John Gacy
Ted Bundy
Jeffrey Dahmer

Ed Gein
Ian Brady
Otis Toole
Edmund Kemper
Ladies too:

Aileen Wuormos
Gesche Gottfried (1901)
Amelia Dyer (1827)
Kristen Gilbert
Please know that I’m not implying a causal link here. A head tilt and an eye asymmetry don’t turn you into a serial killer.

It’s an observation. These psychopaths had a distorted perception of reality on many levels

And part of that could be seen through their eyes.
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