Some myths and facts about the novel #covid19 vaccines: a thread🧵
Myth: it hasn't been adequately studied

Fact: both the Pfizer & Moderna vaccines underwent the normal, rigorous, 3 phase trial system. No corners were cut.
Myth: people weren't followed long enough after getting the vaccine

Fact: Documented adverse effects to vaccines show up mostly in hours, sometimes in days, rarely in weeks. All participants were followed for a minimum of 2 months.
Myth: it will alter my genetic code

Fact: it is a snippet of mRNA, which tells your body to produce a snippet of protein, & is then quickly broken down. It's impossible for it to change your genetic makeup.
Myth: it will cause autoimmune disease

Fact: it did not cause flares among those in the trials with existing diseases. Yes, it causes an immune rxn (that's how it works!) - but the rxn to the vaccine is <<< the rxn to the virus. See also
Myth: it's more dangerous than covid

Fact: 1% of all ppl who catch #covid19 die. Another 10-20% are hospitalized. Another 30+% have long lasting symptoms. The vaccine is far safer, with only minor temporary side effects.
Myth: no one can confirm it actually works/ it's all a conspiracy

Fact: It works. Read the paper or the 50+ page FDA data release. (If you believe all of this was made up, I have a bridge to sell you.)
Myth: I can't trust it, because politics.

Fact: 1000s of scientists worked on this. 100s looked at the data. 3 independent advisory boards have approved it in the US - never mind in the UK, Canada, etc. Yes, #covid19 has been politicized, but this vaccine is the real deal.
Myth: One and done! One shot and I'm good to go.

Fact: The studies all look at 2 shots. You can't just get 1, & think you'll be protected. Even after 2 shots, you will be protected from severe disease... but until 70-80% of us have been vaccinated, you still need to #maskup
Myth: nah, I'm good

Fact: nope. There's a reason we #healthcare providers have been desperate for PPE - it is because we don't want to get sick. There is no magic cure. These vaccines are our hope to getting back to normal. 🙏🏻
Another myth: People with allergies can't get the vaccine

Fact: Unless you've specifically had an anaphylactic reaction to polyethylene glycol (aka 'Miralax') or to THIS vaccine - you're not excluded.
Another myth: I / scientists / public health professionals are "glossing over" issues.

Fact: We'll continue to monitor this vaccine closely (as part of normal "Phase 4," during general use). Right now, risks (minor side effects) are CLEARLY less than benefits (protexn), though!
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