👋🌊 [new thing] - What gets a tweet get retweeted?

I love studying narrative & storytelling - so I spent > 20 hours digging through Twitter building an index of popular tweets

Here's 10 categories of tweets that got traction, with a few examples of each:
1a) First up we have INSIDE INFO
"Work in public" is becoming more common because people ❤️ those juicy behind-the-scenes details

@dvassallo gives a screenshot of his sales number, and then goes even deeper with marketing channel details, etc. https://twitter.com/dvassallo/status/1216175468681940992?s=20

600 RTs
1b) This 6-year old tweet from @TZhongg of intern offer $$ amounts from a bunch of tech companies is one of my favorites because it's a great example of information we've all have access to, but she recognized the value in publishing it

1,700 RTs
1c) @shl's popularity ballooned when he published the 8-year history of Gumroad. The entire story is there: sales charts, layoffs, buying his investors' shares back, and going back to working alone.

2,900 RTs
2a) Next up we have REFERENCE GUIDES
Tweetstorms that are exhaustive or so in depth that you'll want to come back to them.

@polina_marinova created 10 lessons from her newsletter @ProfileRead, with a link to 10 different stories to go deeper https://twitter.com/polina_marinova/status/1288273507726626816?s=20

450 RTs
2b) @sriramk gave us a terrific list of curated, internal company memos. Lots of great reads in here that his audience would want to bookmark https://twitter.com/sriramk/status/1186039031085142016?s=20

700 RTs
2c) @lennysan wrote a lesson on retention metric benchmarks by company. You'll save this for whenever someone wonders "is our retention any good?" which will be very often

350 RTs
3a) Next up is DAVID VS. GOLIATH
Punching up is a fantastic way to tell stories & get traction

@APompliano is a master at this move and uses it to represent the little guy. Here he uses the power of the Internet to pick on Harvard.

4,800 RTs
3b) @Post_Market (underrated follow btw) seals the deal on this tweet with "nobody knows anything" - i.e. you TOO can be a great investor, regardless of background, expertise, etc.

1,000 RTs
3c) And here's @ShaanVP with the screenshot of Parler topping the app store charts. Yet another thing we all had access to - the trick was framing the narrative in the context of beating the bullies of "big tech"

1,600 RTs
Just like Versus videos on YouTube

@abarrallen compares 2 types of companies in a way that's punchy yet agreeable. Great example that it doesn't have to be snarky and you don't have to (necessarily) take a side - tho that can help https://twitter.com/abarrallen/status/1326346431448248320?s=20

1,100 RTs
4b) @ballmatthew does a straight comparison of gaming and film gross revenues. Quick way to drive the point of one industry's ascendency versus another https://twitter.com/ballmatthew/status/1176544949262671872?s=20

3,600 RTs
4c) @kimmaicutler shows the (painful) contrast between building in China versus San Francisco. Putting concrete details & examples to the accepted narrative gives you a strong shot at getting retweeted. https://twitter.com/kimmaicutler/status/957466551384399872?s=20

1,500 RTs

Take a common everyday thing we all know about & show why it's wrong or off.

Here @juliagalef demolishes our low-caloric love of tic tacs in 247 characters https://twitter.com/juliagalef/status/982122525202108421?s=20

2,000 RTs
5b) @devonzuegal shows where the 10,000 steps rule actually comes from. Surprise - it's not because of anything health related https://twitter.com/devonzuegel/status/1137112716592631808?s=20

5,900 RTs
5c) I chose this one because it uses everyday pictures of everyday things to kind of jolt you out of your everyday existence.

It surprises you that yes, maybe things are a little boring.

In classic @visakanv fashion, it's an epic thread https://twitter.com/visakanv/status/990570131238473728?s=20

51,600 RTs

What stories can you share from your life that would help others?

@jesslivingston goes into detail on how she was raised, founding YC, how she didn't know what to become, etc. in this classic post https://twitter.com/jesslivingston/status/1013132368134262787?lang=en

95 RTs
6b) @csallen makes a more narrow yet actionable point.

It works because he's the authority on all things indie hackers - of course flexibility would make sense for people working on their own https://twitter.com/csallen/status/949094952197222400?s=20

180 RTs
Gotta jump for a sec, will be back to finish
"Most books should be blog posts, most blog posts should be tweets"

And if you really want to get retweeted, put a book's worth of info in < 280 characters.

@david_perell makes you a better writer with just 1 tweet https://twitter.com/david_perell/status/1254258945255862278?s=20

7b) @lpolovets summarizes an industry's worth of pricing strategy

https://twitter.com/lpolovets/status/1217287948766339072?s=20. People have written whole books on how to price your product - and he gives a summary of all that in < 280

460 RTs
7c) @jasonlk offers a book's worth of career advice https://twitter.com/jasonlk/status/1113270047122681856?s=20. This goes not just for reporting to a CEO but to almost any manager.

1,100 RTs
Give me info that I can use right now, today.

@patio11 gives a thread's worth here that I'd wager is ~all new info to the average recent college grad, and contains many non-obvious truths for the rest of us https://twitter.com/patio11/status/936615043126370306?s=20

3,600 RTs
8b) @garrytan advises founders to get therapy and to get a coach. You can do this today. https://twitter.com/garrytan/status/1129399740746031104?s=20

1,100 RTs
Common experiences that aren't often expressed that are "snapped" into place with a tweet

@naval tells you healthy ways to find your next high https://twitter.com/naval/status/1311207199608246272?s=20

4,300 RTs
9b) Another from @polina_marinova because she's great - the tweet speaks for itself.

It works because it's not often talked about but we all know it's true https://twitter.com/polina_marinova/status/1286036586392694784?s=20

1,700 RTs
Expressing something we were all feeling but hadn't yet put into words.

And good lord @nateliason is so right - this is esp. timely given how many people have been Airbnb hopping throughout the pandemic https://twitter.com/nateliason/status/1333061944123809800?s=20

100 RTs
10b) @default_friend expressing a common and (relatively) new insecurity https://twitter.com/default_friend/status/1336385633506521089?s=20

50 RTs

@APompliano went massively viral, then found 2 other ways of using that same template

Don't be afraid of using a pattern that works with your audience.

You should be fighting to discover it
12) Shameless plug to RT this thread if it's been useful to you


Don't reinvent the wheel - ("great artists steal" etc.) there's great raw material out there - put it through the filter of your own life experience & you might have a shot at going big /end
You can follow @TrevMcKendrick.
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