It is useful to debate effectiveness of lockdown restrictions but we sometimes need to step back & remember these are unprecedented & draconian restrictions on basic rights & freedoms:

to education, worship, socialise, play games, & to provide for yourself & your family.
However effective they may be, such restrictions should only be considered as a last resort in an emergency & should be strictly time limited. They are not an appropriate as a medium to long term approach to managing an ongoing public health problem.
Even as short-term emergency measures, there should be a very high bar of evidence that any particular restriction is both necessary and likely to be effective.
In much of the country it has been a criminal offence to invite 1 person into your own garden for a social-distanced cup of tea, not just for a few days *to flatten the curve* but for months on end.

In a civilised democracy, such laws should never be seen as acceptable.
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