Sharing some of the most common reasons we've passed on B2B companies at seed/pre-seed 🌱

1/ Depth of understanding of the problem space isn't clear

Why are you the best founders to build in this space? What's your unique insight? Why are you willing to spend the next 5-10 years focused on this problem?
2/ Massive company vision isn't there

What north star are you tracking towards? If you're successful, what will the company have accomplished in 5 years?
3/ Lack of customer empathy

What painful process/tools are you replacing? How will you make the customer's life easier?
4/ Long time to "aha"

How long will it take for customers/users to start seeing value? What will be required on the customer's end (integrations, engineering, etc.)? What data do you need from customers to show value and how will you access & operationalize it?
5/ Wishy-washy success metrics

Will your product generate more revenue or reduce costs? How will that be measured? What metrics will customers look at to know your product is adding value?
6/ Dismissing competitors

Are there other smart/well-funded teams building in your space? What incumbents in adjacencies could add a product like yours and benefit from their established distribution?
7/ Undervaluing community support

Will your product require bottoms-up adoption? Are you evangelizing a new category? How will you create "buzz" and product-led growth?
8/ Champion is unclear

Does your product span multiple departments (engineering + data + security)? What is the buyer/user dynamic? Whose budget will you come out of? Who will be required to implement and maintain your product?
9/ Undervaluing the user experience

How will users describe the experience of using your product? Would users describe your UI as beautiful? Where are the moments of surprise & delight?

Was reminded of this one in a convo w/ my dad this am ☺️
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