Top 10 Bodyweight Exercises

These are listed from upper to lower, not best to worst

Build your training around these, & strength/muscle gains will be inevitable

1. Chin-up and Pull-up

Do both the overhand & underhand version

Build up doing 12 reps in a set, then add weight
2. Bodyweight rows

Can be done with a bar, rings, suspension trainer, lots of ways

Hugely overlooked exercise the trains the middle back muscles. You should be able to do 20 of these in one set, with your feet elevated off the floor to about knee height

Then add weight.
3. Standard Pushup

Hands outside of shoulders, you lower your chest down and press up with the muscles of the deltoids, chest, triceps

Close grip works triceps more, wide grip chest and shoulders

Train both

Aim to do 50 in a row
4. Dips

The chest and shoulder and tricep exercise that no one takes seriously, but builds serious muscle

Before bench press became the supposed best exercise for chest (which its not), Dips were supreme

Best done on slightly angled bars for natural shoulder mechanics
5. Bodyweight Facepulls

Ive been recommending this for years

Trains the upper back, fixes forward head and kyphosis, builds the traps

Suspension trainer or rings works best
6. Handstand Pushup

This is an advanced exercise and it may not happen for everyone, but there are many regressions that anyone can do that are still hugely effective

7. Bodyweight Squat

There are many many many variations

Regardless, the basic version: feet flat, shoulder width, hips extend back

Being able to do squats is a basic level of human function
8. Lunge

Again, very basic movement with many many many variations

Basic level of human function

I like the DB version when the bodyweight version becomes very easy
9. 45 Degree Hyperextension

Yes, this requires a piece of equipment. But its highly worth it, as it allows you to train the hamstrings, glutes, and spinal erectors all at once
10. Calf Raise

Calf muscles are like biceps, they only need one exercise, calf raises

The bilateral version typically becomes very easy. To get bigger calves, its the single leg version that you want to hammer

Bodyweight exercises are typically done for moderate high reps

For muscle building, volume works,

3-6 sets, and reps depends on the exercise. Pull-ups it’s unlikely you’re doing high rep double digit sets, but for squats sets of 20-30 are entirely possible
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