2/ Schools in Ethiopia are reopening on a staggered basis for the first time since March with rural areas getting priority. These reports are based on telephone interviews with 950 teachers and caregivers during the closures. You can read them at: https://www.educ.cam.ac.uk/centres/real/publications/
3/ The findings are almost certainly indicative of the challenges facing millions of parents and teachers across sub-Saharan #Africa, where the impact of the #COVID19 pandemic on education is more severe, but less visible, than in the UK.
4/ Overall, researchers found that despite significant efforts to support remote learning, many pupils have had little/no education since March. Poorest children, those in rural areas, and girls, are likely to have missed out most.
5/ This figure shows % of students least likely to benefit from distance learning. The danger is that many of these children will now either not return to school, or drop out because they are struggling to keep pace with their peers.
6/ But there are also significant infrastructure and resource challenges in schools. 38% of parents said schools were 'somewhat equipped' with handwashing facilities. 22% said they were not equipped at all. Social distancing in already-crowded classrooms is a major challenge.
7/ Key recommendations from the research team:

🔹Targeted, national campaign to keep children in school
🔹Extra support for those at greatest risk of lost learning
🔹Extra classrooms/learning shelters and hygiene resources
🔹Additional investment in remote learning
8/ @PaulineMRose, Director, @REAL_Centre: "In many parts of the world, COVID-19 has not just made it harder to keep children learning: it also makes it harder to keep them in school. The most marginalised children are at even greater risk of dropping out than they already were."
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