It requires these 4 factors to be on point.

Longevity doesn't just mean a long life (although that's a part of it).

It means a long life without being plagued by health problems.

Like cancer, diabetes, hormonal issues, heart problems etc.

It means a life of ENERGY & FREEDOM.
#1. Body Fat Percentage

This is the first point that needs to be addressed, and it's the one that's most commonly screwed up.

If you're obese, problems are headed your way.

The stress on your arteries.

The strain on your organs.

It's a ticking time bomb.

There is....
ZERO percent chance that you can be long-term healthy at 30% body fat.

So what's the ideal?

It's a subjective thing, but a 'safe number' to give you is 15%.

If you get your body fat down to 15%, you're not going to suffer any problems due to your body fat stores.
2. Insulin Levels

It's not enough to just have lower body fat levels.

You also need to have lower insulin levels.

There's plenty of guys with sub-15% bf, but borderline prediabetic due to a poor diet, full of sweeteners and processed food.

High insulin levels lead to...
The growth of cancerous cells REGARDLESS of body fat %.

Kidney disease REGARDLESS of body fat %.

Heart problems REGARDLESS of body fat %.

Nervous system damage REGARDLESS of body fat %.

You get the point.

Chronically high insulin is dangerous, especially past 40.
3. Exercise

This is a HUGE one.

One of the biggest things Men Over 40 can do to live a life of energy and freedom from illness, is to simply go for a morning walk every day.

This is actually a major lifestyle hack, as it accomplishes several things at once:
- Fresh air
- Calories burned
- Vitamin D
- Nature/relaxing

And if you start adding heavy backpacks, it can build strength in your legs too.

I also recommend Men Over 40 to do full body training (as opposed to 'bro splits') - as it allows for:
4. Smoking Cigarettes

This one's very simple - smoking kills.

Lung cancer is pretty much guaranteed at some point down the line for someone who smokes heavily.

What about weed?

Well, like alcohol, it appears to be beneficial to your health when micro-dosed.

Problem is...
I've never actually seen anyone micro-dose it with my own eyes in real life.

So take from that what you will.


If you enjoyed this thread, you'll love the Anti-Cancer Meal Plan.

This plan uses strategic fasting to help you to live a life of freedom.

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