You're ok with being the average fat guy🤦‍♂️

You have

- Too much body fat.
- Old man energy
- Your wife doesn't notice any new muscle on your frame

You've wasted tons of time and energy, with nothing to show for.

So how do you finally turn things around?

Before you move on.

Know that these tips aren't magic pills.

They won't be easy.

But if you do them with true effort and consistency you'll know how to gain muscle and burn fat on demand.
1. Start eating like an adult.

You manage your finances.

You can manage your calories.

What's your priority?

Fat loss: Eat fewer calories than you burn.

Muscle gain: Vise Versa.

(both require at least 1g protein per lb of bodyweight daily for best results)
2. Train objectively harder

Most people just go through the motions (for decades).

But muscle gain is an ADAPTIVE PROCESS.

That means you need to do something on the outside to cause a change on the inside.

To make muscles grow more, force them to do more (reps, load etc)
3. Show up again.

Any average joe can eat right and train hard for a day.

But, the leanest and most muscular person you know is the one who can do it consistently.

1. Find your "why"

2. Make a plan that works for you

3. Get disciplined

This beats motivation every time.
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If you're tired of being fat and weak, Im looking for 3 more people to work closely with who want to lose fat and add muscle.

Message me "start" to get all the details.
You can follow @Gabepluguez.
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