How to rapidly increase the number of pull ups you can do...

The average man walks around with 20-25% body fat and can't bang out 5 proper pull ups.

I don’t want you to be average. I want you to reclaim your strength and physicality.

Read on if you want to get better at pull ups...
The simplest formula for getting better at pull ups is twofold:

lose body fat
practice them often

Now, whilst it IS that easy, there are some things you can do to speed up your progress....
1) Static hangs

Walk up to a bar. Jump up and hang. Brace your abs by keeping your legs straight and slightly out in front of you. And hang.

Work up to 60s and then work on one arm hangs.

This will help your grip and overall strength.

Do this multiple times a day/session.
2) When practising pull ups, avoid training to failure

Seriously. You don’t need to. I ALWAYS leave 1-2 reps in the tank when doing pull ups. Why? Because if you want to get better at them you NEED to do them often.

I’m talking daily for maximum progress.

You need to be fresh.
3) Do them daily

Buy a pull up bar.

Every time you walk past it, bang out a few reps or practice negative reps/hangs.

You’ll easily build up to doing lots of reps every day.

And guess what? As a result you’ll get better at doing them.

Remember, no taking reps to failure.
4) Practice negative reps

Negative reps involve jumping up to the top position of the pull up and lowering yourself down slowly to a 3-5s count

These are HARD and will require a lot of effort. I suggest you do them a couple of times a week for reps of 3-5 and 2-3 sets at a time
5) Try the ladder method

If you can already do 8+ pull ups, this approach works well 1-2 times per week

1 pull up
2 pull ups
3 pull ups
1 pull up
2 pull ups
3 pull ups

That's 12 total reps

Aim to rest 5-10s between reps
6) Train other pulling movements

Performing easier bodyweight exercises like bar/ring rows for more reps.

These will help your muscles get stronger and allow you to build up more strength for pull ups.

Dumbbell/barbell rows will work too.
7) Lose body fat

This is crucial. The leaner you are the easier you will find pull ups. Why? Because you’ll have less fat to lift.

If you want help losing fat, shoot me a DM and let's chat
8) Add in TMB pull ups

Once you can do 10+ reps, you are ready for more advanced training methods

Add in TMB pull ups once a week to your training routine

Watch the video below...
9) Don't do another pull up until you've watched this video...

Most people don't even know they aren't doing pull ups correctly

And as a result they are missing out on valuable progress

Watch the video below to make sure you aren't one of them
That's it.

As always, nothing will change if you don't put the tips above into action.

If you want to a develop a strong, muscular back that makes heads turn, master the pull up and lose body fat.

The rest is up to you.
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