The 5 simple changes that will change your life.

1. Sleep
2. No sugar
3. Working out
4. Setting goals
5. Positive mindset
1. Sleep

Sleep is when your body recharges and rebuilds.

If you are working out and not sleeping you are now in a deficit

You eventually have to pay the piper and sometimes it won't be with sleep.

Get some sleep!!!
2. No sugar

Sugar is as bad as a drug.

Your body will start to crave it because it is addictive.

Dont give up and the cravings will pass.

You'll also reduce your calorie intake.

Stop eating sugar!!!
3. Working out

Yes at first it will hurt.

Build up slowly even if that means just walking around the house to start.

We all began somewhere.

Eventually you will like the endorphins you get after working out and you will start to look great too.

Work out today!!!
4. Setting goals

How can you hit a target if there is no target?

Point yourself in the right direction before loosing the arrow.

It will hold you accountable which is a big part of improving.

Goals too big?

No worries.

Break them up into chunks and hit those.

Set goals!!!
5. Positive mindset

How you look at things will change the effect it has.

Something bad happen?

Move on and tackle the next project.

You might get a win or you might not but not spiralling with negatively will be more beneficial than not.

Have a positive mindset!!!
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