Here’s something I’m going to give you. Take it or leave it, but it’s where I’m at and I don’t want to be a hoarder.

You need to start living your life as though a nuclear empire is in its final days.

It’s not the end of the world! It has happened, we survived. But it’s coming.
America is no longer a world leader.

We’re just letting people die, unnecessarily.

We’ve broken so many commitments abroad, no one is going to view us as reliable. We can’t even do an orderly transition of power.

The rich enjoy unchecked corruption. IRS doesn’t even audit them
This is a system breaking down.

And things were already creaky enough.

But this mediocre coup attempt? It’s political arson. It’s a barrage of messages to disregard the basic political contract.

That damage isn’t undone just because Joe puts a hand on the Bible.
This country has failed its people. Hospitals overflow. People are lining up for food donations because so many households have lost income this year.

There’s no end in sight. Our legislative branch advanced some sour political ambition and left town, emergency still under way
This is not the behavior of a working political system.

It’s not the behavior of a functional country.

So I’m going to encourage you, if you’re American: do your mourning. Our country has fallen the fuck apart.

It’s already here. It’s our job to pick up the pieces.
It is going to scare the SHIT out of us to see what comes from the divisions that are being sown today. When we see the consequences of all these losses.

I think it’s important to have a sense of direction and purpose when things like that leave us stunned and anxious.
So that’s my thing. Take it or leave it.

Figure out the things you’ll do to show up for those who need you. Figure out your role in the emergency.

We are not in a comfortable phase of human history. Brunch is nowhere on the horizon. We’re all going to have to show up and work
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