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On reddit, someone asked why the Swift project wasn't compiling a free pony for all comers.I attempted an answer: One of the ways that modern technolog
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It should be understoodMust be understood:The president of the United States is ending his term in a state of economic crisis, with all of the attendant vulnerabilities that implies. We’re
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When I was a kid, I played Deus Ex. I was about 17 years old at the time.I was able to understand that DX was a cartoon version of its
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Kurzweil predicts accelerating paradigm shifts (I’m specifically revisiting Singularity is Real)But I’m seeing stubbornness in that rate of technological acceleration. The stalling of VR/AR is a good example.2007-2010 shattered existing
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Shipping is a business imperative, sure, but it’s also a management imperative.A team that isn’t shipping has a burnout Sword of Damocles hovering above its head. Early in my career
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Here’s something I’m going to give you. Take it or leave it, but it’s where I’m at and I don’t want to be a hoarder.You need to start living your
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I’ve been hearing a low murmuring about Ted Lasso, on Apple TV+.The dam broke yesterday and I gave it a watch. I couldn’t put it down.This is the most interesting,
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After the premiere of Picard name checked Bruce Maddox, decided to head back and watch Measure of a Man, TNG S2E09.And it turns out Maddox is a bit of a
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Consulting has been… INTERESTING since I went all-in on SwiftUI.The economics really work differently, and now I can look at my invoices to prove it. I want to talk about
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favorite TikToks1. 2.“You expect folks to resist oppression being nice?!” 3.Gen Z studying relevant history 4.The paradox of tolerance@/fatraco0n is 1000% going to be an enormous star is @/lonnieiiv
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So you have all of these oppressive systems that create unequal outcomes in life, liberty and happiness depending on factors like race, gender, physical ability, class, etc.There is a solidarity
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I guess the hard thing is, this has all crept up on us so gradually, it’s hard to fully understand what is happening.This is a historically consequential moment. Imagine The
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