Today I turn 26 years old

Below are the 10 biggest lessons I've learned in my life so far

1. Self-awareness is the number one skill you need to develop

This provides both the direction and motivation to make the changes required to improve

The quicker you can grasp a strong understanding of where you are in reality, the better your life will become
2. Nobody cares about how much of a "nice" person you are

The best way to do good is to do well first and lead with value

The more excellent you are, the more people you can affect, and the more good you can do in the world
3. Compassion is king

You never know what someone else has gone through and why they act the way they do

Showing people you care will bring down their defense barrier and make it easier for you to connect with them

It's always cool to be kind
4. Spend more time with your parents

As I've got older, I've seen my Mum and Dad get older and this is an indicator I need to spend more time with them

Whatever your relationship with them, call them, tell them you love them, and take care of them

You'll appreciate it so much
5. You're not a kid anymore

Being closer to 30 than you are 20, makes you realize you are fully an adult now

You can't get away with the behaviors of your early 20s anymore

Be independent, get your finances sorted, and be 100% responsible for everything that happens to you
6. Your body opens doors, your social skills keep you there

Having a great physique will provide you more chances with girls, job interviews, and making more friends

Having great people skills will help you maintain these relationships and build a network/career you're proud of
7. Lifting weights is the gateway drug to self-improvement

Nobody has ever regretted weight training

What it does to your body is good, however, what it does for your mental and emotional state is truly transformative

Lift 3-5 days per week if you want to become your best self
8. The best revenge is leveling up

As you get older and do new things, people will resent you for it

They don't want to see you change and many of them will want to see you fail

Don't react, entertain it, or explain yourself

Channel every ounce of your energy to become better
9. Everyone is doing the best with what they can

When you see people act out or in a way that you disagree with

Remember that they are just operating off of the information they've been given at the time

Don't hate

Show empathy & help them understand where they can get better
10. Life is amazing & it's always the beginning

I truly believe the best days of your life are ahead of you and

There will be times you experience where you fall in love with being alive

Cherish these moments, stay present, and fucking smile

Life is here to be enjoyed
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