Can you build muscle and lose fat at the SAME time?

Thread time 👇
First off, why would we want to do this?

- We are skinny fat
- We have a ‘dad bod’
- We are overweight
- We are a beginner
- We want to recomp

So is this really possible?
YES. Muscle growth and fat loss are two completely separate systems...

In order to pull this off, we must have 3 things in place.
#1: Sufficient Training Stimulus

This means you must be

- Making progress in your training (increasing reps, weights, etc. overtime)
- Training near muscular failure

Muscle growth is an adaptation.

You must force it to grow.
#2: Sufficient Protein

Protein is the building block of muscle.

No protein = no muscle growth

So how much do we need to eat?

A general rule of thumb: 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight

*If you are overweight you can aim for 0.8g per lb
#3: Optimal Calories

Muscle growth requires energy to happen (we can’t just starve ourselves).

A good rule of thumb is to consume 75-90% of your caloric maintenance.
This way we are in a caloric deficit so we’re burning fat BUT, we still have enough energy to perform well in the gym and build muscle.
Congrats! You now know how to build muscle and lose fat at the same time!

1) Sufficient Training Stimulus
2) Sufficient Protein
3) Optimal Calories

Want to know what types of food to eat to achieve this desired muscle growth & fat loss WHILE staying full?
You can follow @TheJackBly.
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