Glad this study was published (go science!!) but there are SO MANY CAVEATS that it literally changes NOTHING about our knowledge about recs to #MaskUp .

You'll be hearing a lot about this, so let me break it down.🧵
1) Most impt: Very wide confidence intervals (-43% to +23%) suggest that they were underpowered, likely due to low community prevalence (not enough people exposed to possible infection).

This makes it impossible to draw conclusions.
2) The intervention was sub-par.

They didn't follow best practice. It was SINGLE masking. Despite extensive evidence that BOTH PEOPLE wearing masks = much better:

as they say "the trial did not test the role of masks in source control of SARS-CoV-2 infection"
3) Additionally, there were a lot of confounders:

* only 46% of ppl wore the masks as intended!! 🤦🏽‍♀️

* the trial started DURING LOCKDOWN when everyone was distanced

* face mask group took fewer social precautions

4) I do like that follow-up included both PCR + antibody tests. A nice touch that increases confidence in results.

5) But weirdly, the % with household contacts who were +, who got infected, was ridiculously low c/w other studies?
Their conclusion: "these findings do not provide data on the effectiveness of widespread mask wearing in the community."


🌟This study does NOT contradict existing studies on the efficacy of universal masking.
No healthcare worker will stop wearing a mask bc of this study. Neither should you.😷
cc @TheSGEM @CaulfieldTim for calling it to my attention and @AnnalsofIM who printed it!
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