Today's announcement of ~95% efficacy in the @moderna_tx #COVID19 vaccine trial is amazing, auspicious news. 1/8
This coupled with the announcement of >90% efficacy in the @pfizer / @BioNTech_Group vaccine trial is encouraging that these mRNA vaccines have huge promise. 2/8
One small note about these trials. It's often assumed that vaccines are only a proxy for immune response to natural infection. However, there's nothing that prevents vaccines from inducing better, more durable protection than natural infection. 3/8
Here, I'm showing a trimmed down figure from Jackson et al ( detailing phase 1 immunogenicity results from the Moderna vaccine. I've trimmed this to show only the relevant dosage that was chosen for the ongoing phase 3 trial. 4/8
You can see that at 36 days after the 2nd dose, titers for binding and neutralization are often substantially higher in vaccinated individuals than individuals recovered from COVID-19 infection (labeled as "convalescent"). 5/8
We see a similar picture for Pfizer / BioNTech in Walsh et al ( I've trimmed this figure to show only relevant dosage and vaccine construct (full spike protein rather than just receptor binding domain). 6/8
Again, titers for both binding and neutralization are often substantially higher in vaccinated individuals after two doses than in recovered individuals (labeled as "HCS"). 7/8
Although it remains to be seen whether these efficacy numbers hold up with time (, I'm really optimistic about these vaccines. I just hope we can hold off the epidemic for a bit longer to allow time to roll them out to the population. 8/8
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