I've been talking about the negative effects of modern electromagnetic radiation for some time now, but I haven't expanded much on how to prevent them, I want to walk you through the best ways to protect yourself in any living situation

EMF is an abbreviation for electromagnetic fields, which is a broad term referring to the entire spectrum of electromagnetic radiation including visible light

In this context I'm talking specifically about the part of the spectrum below infrared light (microwave, radio, and ELF)
There is a misconception that non-ionizing radiation (EMF that isn't able to break ionic bonds) has no impact of the human body, unfortunately this isn't the case

The earth's natural EMF and visible/infrared light are all non-ionizing and yet have profound effects on the body
There are many more examples of this research in both US and international research, Russian research has been especially advanced on this which is why their EMF safety standard are much stricter than ours (research the Moscow signal)
The biggest negative effects that are observed in these studies are:

- increased cancer rates
- reduced blood-brain barrier function
- impaired melatonin
- excess glutamate/cortisol elevation
- insomnia
- impaired cognition
- increased oxidative stress/inflammation
I've expanded on this research elsewhere so I won't be covering it more here, if you're skeptical of anything I've said so far or want further information I'd encourage you to read the works I mentioned

Now I'm sure you're all wondering, what can we do about the effects of EMF?
I'll start with the basics and work up to more complex solutions:

The simplest thing you can to avoid harmful EMF exposure is turning your phone off or on airplane mode when you're not actively using it, your phone is typically the biggest source of EMF in your home
This means never walk around with your phone active in your pocket, and always make sure to keep your cell phone turned off and away from where you sleep at night

The same goes for computers, don't use your computer on your lap, and turn it off when you aren't using it
If you have wifi at home turn off or unplug your modem whenever you aren't using it, especially at night

You can eliminate your EMF exposure from wifi completely by switching back to a hard-wired internet cable, it may cost a bit to switch but will save you more money long-term
More and more companies now also sell clothing with interwoven silver fibers, which act as a Faraday cage of sorts that helps block EMF exposure, here are two examples, one in Europe one in the US:
I'm sure many of you have already heard some the recommendations I've discussed so far, but there's also a few other EMF sources that most people are less aware of

One of the other major issues is what's called "dirty electricity"
Dirty electricity refers to the loss of electric energy as EMF radiation, usually this is minimal but in old or faulty electric wiring it can be a massive issue

There are many reports of people who are sensitive to EMF not being able to sleep with faulty wiring in their bedroom
Dirty electricity can be a bit more difficult to manage than other sources of EMF, as it can occur in any part of your house, or in any appliance

This is also frequently an issue with power lines which can put off massive amount of EMF depending on the neighborhood's power usage
If you want to measure EMF levels in different parts of your home to find any faulty wiring or other issues, you can use a trimeter and/or a voltmeter to get a rough idea

If you want to truly optimize your home however, I'd bring in an expert
I'd highly recommend booking a consult with a building biologist (or similar expert if you live outside the US) if you're trying to completely optimize your house, if you try to do everything on your own you may miss some crucial issues
Typically the biggest changes you may need to make after a consult are getting some of the wiring in your house repaired, replacing old or problematic devices, and in some cases installing a breaker switch so you can shut off most of the electricity in your house while you sleep
Some of these changes may require quite a bit of money, others are quite cheap or even free and can be started today

The biggest thing to be aware of is that these small changes can have a major protective effect on your health in the long run, do what you can as you're able to
While there are many negative effects observed with the electromagnetic spectrum, there are some positive effects as well

I've talked quite a bit about the benefits of visible, UV, and infrared light, but interestingly the earth's electromagnetic field has benefits as well
The effects of grounding are one potential example of this, numerous research shows benefits that seems to indicate increased electric conduction in the body:
The WHO conducted a study through the genesis project where they looked at the effects of increasing earth's magnetic field strength (without altering frequency, etc) on living organisms, in this case insects and human cell cultures
They found that the insects lived 5x longer, and the human cells lived 2.5x longer!

This is just one example of the large body of research showing health benefits of existing within our natural EMF environment, unfortunately modern technology is making this more difficult
Aside from the interventions I've already covered to reduce harmful EMF, there are a few that actually boost the earth's beneficial EMF

One of the most affordable you can try is what's called a Schumann resonator, which produces a field tuned to the 7.83Hz
Another more expensive option are Magnetico sleep pads, which are placed under your mattress and amplify the earth's magnetic field

If you'd like to try one or read some of the research the company has conducted you can do so here: 
Lastly, many people ask me about other things advertised as blocking EMF such as orgonite, shungite, and crystals

I haven't been able to find any evidence supporting the use of any of these directly, though a few people's anecdotal measurements indicate they may work somewhat
That said, I don't think they're enough to block/absorb EMF completely by any means, they may diffuse it to a limited extent, but definitely use some of the other practices I discuss here as your primary prevention method
That's all I have for today, I'll be posting a thread of EMF research at some point in the future which I'll add to this eventually

Thanks for reading!

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