🧚‍♂️Often I hear people say they wasted years in "bad" therapy..."talking forever and getting nowhere"🗯️

With so many different therapies out there, how do we decide what "good" therapy is and how do you know if your therapy is actually helping you? Here's what to look for! 1/5
📏Measurement Based Care
Your therapist is checking on your symptoms, likely with questionnaires, as you go and making sure that you are getting better (and not worse). Therapy isn't just about feeling better in the moment, it is about getting better in the long term.
You set the goals and your therapist helps you get to them. Put another way, you understand why you are doing what you are doing in therapy and how all of this work (YES, therapy is work) will help you get to the life you want to be living.
⚾️Therapy is your BATTING CAGE
A baseball player goes to the batting cage to practice the skill of batting for the game. You go to therapy to learn skillsets for the game of life. In other words, therapy is about GETTING OUT OF YOUR HEAD AND INTO YOUR LIFE.
The type of therapy described here is called "evidence-based" because it is based on science. While there are many evidence-based therapies, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) arguably has the most evidence. Find a CBT therapist here: https://www.findcbt.org/FAT/ 
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