Decided to graduate from using a meditation app to sitting in silence for an hour every morning.

I'm 3 weeks in, and it's been a great upgrade to my morning routine.

I first got the idea after listening to Tim Ferriss' latest interview with @naval.

He talks about how unexamined lives are the cause of most people's anxiety.
I was used to doing 10 minutes each morning with the @wakingup app, so trying to sit still in silence for longer than that was a challenge.

I would feel uncomfortable, change positions constantly, and the hour felt like an eternity.
It got much better after the first week.

I no longer felt the need to check my watch all the time.

Thoughts came and went, but I was no longer distracted by them.

I was able to stick to one position for the full hour.
Meditation apps usually ask you to sit still and NOT THINK any thoughts.

I now think that it's NECESSARY to first think through all your thoughts before you can get to that state.

For me, it takes about 20 minutes before my mind truly starts calming down.
Since starting, I've tweaked the routine a bit.

I first write in my paper journal for 10-15 minutes. That's to make sure any ideas worth noting down are dealt with.

That's followed by 45-60 minutes of meditation.
After doing this for 3 weeks, I find my mind to be much clearer during the day.

I can focus on one thing more easily without 100 other thoughts racing in my mind.

I'm generally more relaxed, happier and living in the moment.
You can follow @siim.
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