//Short Thread//

A few mobility exercises to keep your shoulders fluid and pain-free.
1. Wall circles:

Stand with your side against the wall.

Keep palm against the wall.

Slide in a full circle from the front of the body to the back as far as you can go.

Repeat x 20 on each side.
2. Wall angels:

Stand against a wall with both hands also against the wall.

With hands maintaining contact with the wall slide up as far as you can go.

Hold 3 seconds.

Back down.

Repeat x 20.
3. Thoracic wall extension:

Bend over keeping back straight with hands against the wall.

Without moving hands, bring the trunk down as far as you can go.

Hold for 5 seconds.

Repeat x 20.
4. Prone shoulder & chest stretch:

This one will target the shoulders and chest.

Lay as shown in the pic and lean into it until you feel a proper stretch.

Hold for 30 seconds.

Repeat on other side.
5. Towel IR/ER pulls:

Holding the towel as shown.

Pull with the top hand and hold for 30 seconds.

Pull with the bottom hand and hold for 30 seconds.

Switch arms and repeat both.

With a towel, light band, or even a broomstick.

Bring it up overhead and around behind you.

Repeat x 20.
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None of these should cause pain, and if you do have pain with anything it's a good idea to stop.


This is not medical advice.

Just some mobility exercises I've been doing and wanted to share.
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