Thread on Ginger

Gingers the common cooking spice

also provides many useful products for food, spices, medicines, dyes, perfume etc.

[1] The ginger family consists of 53 genera and over 1200 species.
[2] India is one of the richest and diverse regions for Zingiberaceae, having 20 genera and around more than 200 species.
[3] The members of Zingiberaceae are annual or perennial rhizomatous herbs. The rhizome is sympodially branched and composed of distinct segments.
[4] The rhizomes are variously colored ranging from pale yellow, deep yellow, greenish blue, pink or combinations of these in different species
[5] Used as anti-inflammatory medicine . It is also used in “Arq Pan” as a cardiac stimulant carminative.
[6]Useful in treating rheumatoid arthritis, inflammations, cough, asthma, hiccough, obesity, diabetes.
[7]Useful for maintaining the youthful vigour and strength
[8]Used in bronchial troubles and as a carminative. It is one of the ingredients of medicated “Pan” used for removing the foul smell of the mouth and getting relief in throat inflammation.
[9] Ginger a family of turmeric has been traditionally used as colouring agent, essential oils and confectionery at household
[10] Ginger leaves were chopped and used as how we use coriander in China and Indonesia

They soak the chopped leaves on lemon juice overnight and allow it to ferment and use this a garnish herb
[11] Ginger oil is a natural pain reliever. Used in most of home made pain relief oils and instant cure of headache
[12] Ginger has ability to detox your body and support your liver functions
[13] Our ancestors made it a culture to include as must ingredient of any
- oily/crispy food preparation
- Food which may cause gastric flatulence (Masala Sabji, Pongal etc)
- Food of nerve stimulating nature ( Tea /Acidic Beverages)
[14] Ginger fresh has a different medicinal property from dried ginger. Our ancestors were quite adept in using the right ginger type for right food type
[15] Another perspective of using ginger was it has ability to improve your resistance to slightly poisonous insect bites. As those old days were more prone to agricultural insect exposure

Most of antidote of toxic poisoning will have derivatives of ginger & turmeric curcumin
Healthy and fully grown ginger will be as long as your finger to hand elbow 3-4feet
Will weigh around 2-4kg depending on the moisture content
Thanks to our export companies they have ensured the max size of ginger hitting vegetable market is not even palm size and most of the ginger sold are GM variety non aromatic which is grown quickly with small size
Ginger can be easily grown in your pots or even broken water cans all it need some river sand mixed with red soil with weekly watering
Take a pledge to grow up this healthy fella in your balcony or micro garden or sit out..

You will certainly feel the difference between home grown fella to store bought one

Welcome a Healthy and Herbal companion at your home
Lastly, ensure you peel off the ginger skin thoroughly and preserve it at corner of your window

It's natural insecticide God's gift to protect ginger pulp

You may use the dried leave and skin as a mosquito repellent by burning it with charcoal or coconut shell
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