20 Life Lessons for the Gentlemen in their 20s

1. There is no arbitrary age in your 20s in which you “figure it all out”. The greater reality is that unless you actively and willfully take control of your life and environment, your 20s will be a long decade of...
you learning the hard way, the painful way, and having equal amounts fun and failure The learning does not cease at any point in time. You must learn to apply and build your WILL on the world at large
2. There is always someone better than you, taller, faster, smarter, and better looking than you.

You need to get the fuck over this

For people that come from small towns and environments, or insulated upbringings, the realization that you are not special can be a mean one
If your ego is built upon exceptionality, you will be humbled, and harshly, if you cannot perform to that standard

take solace and Action that outside of Height, practically every quality about yourself can be controlled and improved upon

Student loans weigh down your credit, as does anything you pay for with credit

If you use credit to buy anything, pay it back immediately. Do not live beyond your means & be reckless

Until you earn Big, dont spend big
4. Hard work by itself is not sufficient for getting what you want

If you want to stand out, you need to be exceptional, not just competent

Work smarter AND Harder than everyone else

Intelligence + a work ethic is the winning combination, theyre not mutually exclusive
5. Money is your scorecard. If this upsets, you are a fucking loser

Money is status, money is security, money is opportunity, money is power

Life costs money, and the more you have, the more advantageous your position
6. No one is going to save you, and everything is your fault

Either be empowered by this or ruined by it.

Total responsibility will be either the best or worst thing to ever happen to you depending on your attitude
7. Habits create you or destroy you

Laziness is a habit

So is action

Anxiety is a habit

So is movement.

When you view life as a series of actions, the way forward becomes clear and even formulaic

Whatever you do is what you will become
8. You dont need to ask other people for answers, there are there in you, if you would only ask yourself

Other people can give you expectations and observations, but they are not living your life, YOU ARE

Cease asking for permission

Embrace Your agency over your Own Life
9. Holding grudges and fighting with people makes life bitter

Learn to let go and move on and leave it behind. The number of people who will pass in and out of your life is more than you’ll ever imagine

Getting stuck on petty bullshit grounds your development in place
10. You will make stupid decisions thinking with your dick and because your brain decided to lust really really hard

Don't be stupid more than you need to be, and learn not to be stupid

A man that cannot control his lust is a man who cannot control his energy or focus
11. No one owes you shit, and your entitlement is unbecoming

Also useless. Either you earn it or you don't deserve it.

People that get things they don't deserve are role models on how not to live, not on what to do.
12. Always strive to have clarity in your relationships

Friendship, romance, business

Set standards and dont let ambiguity persist.

You'll see with time that people with messy relationships always have fucked up lives

This is entirely avoidable
12. Dont waste too much time trying to decide what you want

Perfect decision making paralyzes a lot of people

Constant action leads to better decision making than chronically analysis

if two paths seem equal, flip a coin, then MOVE

Decisiveness creates momentum this way
13. Unless you are a genius and keystone cog in a machine, you are replaceable at most jobs you do

Either be exceptional or be easily fired. Or create your own business

If you want to be self made, you must be self paid
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