The @CDCMMWR is one of the leading public health journals in the world. Because it is published by the @CDC, the Trump administration thinks it should be able to censor international researchers who publish there to promote its political agenda. 
This is a whole new level beyond tampering with CDC's internal advisements. This is a deeper form of authoritarianism, not materially different from Trump trying to censor the @NEJM or @JAMA_current to advance his own political agenda.
. @DrEricDing, who brought my attention to this in the first place, provides an astonishing factoid.
Q: What do you call a political appointee and former Vladimar Putin PR guy interfering with the publication process at a leading public health journals to appease Donald Trump's fragile ego?

A: Fucking authoritarian bullshit
I did find myself wondering how Trump even unearths these people, until I got to this bit.

P.S. @CNBC, it's spelled f-e-l-o-n, not f-e-l-l-o-w.
The fact that I can regularly tweet material like this without fear for my life, my liberty, or even my job is precisely why America is worth fighting for with every last ounce of energy and courage.
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