Here's one thing about 2020 I can't make much sense of, but maybe y'all can.

Puzzle part 1: Biden is doing his best v Clinton's vote margin among whites, especially men and those without degrees. Rural areas have also shifted way left v urban and suburban ones.
Puzzle part 2: Yet Biden voters are much more liberal on race and gender than they were in 2016. We would expect this to turn off some of the racially conservative and sexist Trump voters, esp white men, from Biden. But we're seeing the opposite!

So, some hypotheses...
H1) The arrow from racism & sexism to vote choice is more about feelings toward candidates than their party's platforms.

H2) Biden has been able to establish a more working-class-friendly image than Clinton was.

H3) Something about Trump's trade policies esp hurting WWC voters.
H4....n) You tell me!
Maybe, since high levels of racism and sexism are relatively uncommon, Trump focusing on them actually has a higher downside than upside? Could Biden/Biden's voters being more inclusive/tolerant/liberal etc won them over a lot of "socially moderate" Trump voters?
Now we're getting into Big Sort territory, which is probably the right direction to answer the Q. How many "socially conservative" Clinton voters have gone to Trump because of the Great Awokening, and how many of the social moderate/liberal 2016 Trump voters have gone to Biden?
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