10 Commandments Of Having Testosterone of a Mighty Warrior

Make your warrior ancestors proud.

1-Stay lean

Your fat tissue is the enemy of testosterone.


Adipose tissue (fat) is highly estrogenic.

It produces aromatase which converts testosterone into estrogen.

More fat=More estrogen
I'm not saying you should be at %5 body fat.

You don't have to get ripped.

Around %12-15 body fat is what you need to aim for.
2-Lift heavy weights

This is the obvious one.

Your muscle mass is correlated to your testosterone level.

Lifting weights increases testosterone,

especially compound lifts trigger more testosterone production.

More muscle activation= More testosterone production

3-Eat properly

Your diet plays a huge role in testosterone production.

Your diet should provide the essential nutrients for your body to produce testosterone.

What are these key nutrients?
-Vitamin D
-Vitamin A

You need to have proper levels of these nutrients to have a good testosterone level.

Best sources for these nutrients?
Cholesterol=Red meat

Zinc=Oysters, red meat

Vitamin D=Sun

Vitamin A= Beef liver

Magnesium= Supplement
4-Avoid junk foods

Sugar and Omega 6 are common things that junk foods contain.

They're also the mortal enemies of testosterone.

Of course, you can eat junks occasionally.

But %80-90 of the time, you need to eat right.
5-Quit porn for good

Porn is the ultimate enemy.

Porn makes you weak.

Porn makes you pathetic.

Porn makes you low self-esteem.

Porn drains your energy.

Porn messes up your hormones.

And it fucks up your dating and sex life as well.

Stay away from it.
6-Have sex, don't fap

Fapping and porn usually walk hand in hand.

Most people fap a lot.

Fapping drains your zinc which is crucial for testosterone.

Have sex.

If you can't, then don't fap at all.

Don't waste your seeds for no reason.

Do nofap.
7-Be uncomfortable

Do hard things.

Do what scares you the most.

Get out of your comfort zone.

Embrace challenge.

Embrace the struggle.

Don't be a pussy.

You will feel confident once you get out of your comfort zone,

And your testosterone will thank you for that.
8-Limit alcohol, avoid beer

You don't have to stop drinking alcohol entirely.

I like to drink whiskey and rakı occasionally when I'm with bros.

You don't have to be a complete asshole.

However, you need to limit your intake.

And avoid beer especially, it's the worst alcohol.
9-Sleep well

Without proper sleep, you stress your body which causes it to produce cortisol.

Cortisol is the enemy hormone of testosterone.

Also, sleeplessness messes up with your health in general.

It's the reality, we have to sleep well.
10-Avoid chronic stress

I'm not talking about the short term stress that essential for growth.

The problem is long term stress.

You need to get rid of the things that stress you constantly.

It could be a toxic relationship.

It could be a job.

Cut it off.
Follow these 10 commandments,

And watch your testosterone increases.

This was also a quick summary of my book.

There will be much more...

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