5 Reasons you aren't Happy with your life,

And how to fix them.

~~~A Thread~~~

(#5 was a game changer for me)
1. Waiting for the next milestone:

We're all guilty of this.

Waiting for the next big thing.

“Everything will be better when I graduate…”

“When I get married”

“When I get that job”

“When I get that raise”

Why are you waiting for it to allow yourself to be satisfied?
You’ll be waiting forever.

There is ALWAYS the next milestone.

This mindset is a deep dark hole that only gets deeper.

Cut it out of your life ASAP.

This is not saying to settle for less.

But there is a big difference between satisfied and hungry for more,
And not being satisfied with anything.

So celebrate your milestones, for they will generally give you a boost in happiness, mood, and energy.

But don’t attach your internal state of being on them.
2. Brain chemistry is messed up.

-Terrible diet
-No exercise
-Staring at a screen for 80% of waking hours.
-Never see the sunlight.
-Sleep schedule a disaster.

Sound familiar?
The bad news is:

There are no hacks to fix this.

Diet, Exercise, Sleep, and Sun cannot be replaced.

You NEED these things for a quality life.
You can’t fight against chemistry.

Go against it, everything will be more difficult.

Optimize it and thrive with ease.
The good news is:

Once you get out of this funk of a lifestyle that you are in.

You will realize how much better living in the real world is.

Go to the beach, watch a few sunsets, and do a few hikes.

See how beautiful the world really is.
3. Conforming to societal pressure.

Society is in a weird place where there is pressure from so many places to follow a certain path.

It can be hard to deviate from this.

We are inherently wired to want to follow the herd.
Even if you feel with your whole being that you are doing something you don't want to do.

You will still conform and follow the path that is shown to you regardless.

I’ve seen this time and time again.

Just barely getting by.
No fulfillment, no sense of purpose or achievement.

What’s the point?

Follow your instincts.

Create your own path.

Even at the disappointment of your parents and friends.

Parents will get over it and still love you at the end of the day.
If your friends don't support you, you don't need them as friends anyway.

It will be uncomfortable, but extremely necessary for life satisfaction.
4. Comparing your life to others.

This has been more prominent with the rise of social media.

Comparing your normal life to people's “amazing lives” on Instagram.

Everyone is stuck in this state of fabricating their lives to look perfect.
Perfect pictures, perfect captions, editing everything about it to make it seem better than yours.

Seeking validation of how good they are through likes.

What are we doing?

This is a mental disease.
There is absolutely nothing positive that can come out of it.

Nobody is going to post the shitty parts of their lives for you to see.

Get rid of this from your life now.

You NEED to break your addiction to social media.
Because as long as you are constantly browsing other people's lives and basing your internal sense of value on likes from your phone.

This will always be weighing your down.

Whether you think so or not.
5. You correlate the external material world to your internal state of being.

Sure, getting a new car, or shopping for new clothes and a new laptop will make you happy.

But these emotions are short-lived.
We cannot rely on them to give us true satisfaction with life.

This is a common trap people fall into.

We even have a name for it, “retail therapy.”

If you aren’t fulfilled with your life you will need constant hits of buying random things you don’t need to fill that void.
Leaving you broke and even further down the hole.

The internal state will only be truly fulfilled when you are contempt with it.

When you aren’t basing it on external factors.

When you feel you are achieving what you were put on this earth for.
Absolutely not when you get a new iPhone.

Don’t be fooled by this temporary rush of dopamine.

Confusing it with life satisfaction.

You will end up old and full of regret.
If you got this far.

Thank you for reading.

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