3 Lessons I've learned from speaking to men in their 90's


Short gems of wisdom you might already know.

But ones that are always good to be reminded of.
As a Physical Therapist, I’ve had the opportunity to work with men in their 70’s, 80, 90’s, and even had a few over 100 years go age.

If they are up for it, I always like to ask questions and listen. Absorb as much life wisdom as I can.
Here are a few lessons I’ve learned along the way:

1. Don’t be angry

Obviously this doesn’t mean never be angry.

We can’t control our emotions.

But we can always control how we react to them.

Don’t let anger control you.

You should never lash out at those around you.
We’ve all had those moments.

Taking all your shit from life and channeling it towards your parents, wife, kids, ect..

It’s not healthy.

These things tarnish relationships and fill them with hate and bitterness.

Stay away from this as much as possible.
Channel your anger instead.

Into your work.

Or into the gym.

Get your self a punching bag.

It works.
2. Don’t work so hard.

This one might come as a surprise to this side of twitter.

Hear me out though.

Sure, work hard in your young years and build for the future.

But it’s so easy to get caught up in this cycle.
Obsessing over work until you realize,

You’ve missed your children’s youth.

You didn’t get to do all the things you and your partner spoke about when you were young and full of energy.

You didn’t get to spend the last few years with your parents before they passed away.
Don’t prioritize work over family.

Very few end up not regretting this.

If you have a steady cash flow to rely on.

Work fewer hours, or get out altogether.
At some point, you realize money was just a tool to give you the freedom and you’ve been wrong about it this whole time.

So let yourself be free.

Let yourself be happy.

These are all choices you can make, even if they feel like they aren’t.
3. Time goes by quickly.

Life flies by.

If you're young, you might think this is an exaggeration.

Or it doesn’t apply to you.

But it’ll hit you hard and fast.

This is not to be negative.
But more to get things in perspective.

You have such a limited time on this earth.

What do you really want to spend your energy on?

What are you actually gonna use your time for?

So many people are full of regret at old age.

Don’t be that person.

Have some courage.
Figure out what’s really important to you and double down on that.

Don’t conform your whole life to the standards of someone else.

When they say life is short, they aren’t joking.


Thanks for reading.
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