- Sugar, processed carbs, and artificial sweetners
- Wheat, corn, soy, and other grains
- Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and other recreational drugs
- Smoke
- Industrial seed oils (soy, canola, etc)
- Flouridated water
- Artificial light
Acceptable alternative sweeteners are inositol, erythritol, and stevia

Acceptable seeds are flax, chia, hemp seeds, and brazil nuts, other nuts/beans are okay as long they are soaked or sprouted to remove anti-nutrients like phytic acid
Acceptable cooking oils are olive, coconut, avocado, butter/ghee, or animal fat like lard

When it comes to artificial light after sunset: candlelight > blacklight > incandescent > LED/flourescent (avoid these at all costs)

Meat, eggs, and dairy should be wild-caught or organic
By far the worst things on this list are artificial light, processed carbs, seed oils, and EMF

The best things you can do for your health daily are spending time in the sun, drinking plenty of water, grounding, and eating a nutrient dense diet (plenty of meat and seafood)
Think of health as a spectrum

There are many toxins like these in your food and environment, the more you are able to avoid the better your health outcomes will be over time

Do whatever you can with the time and money you have available
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