What I don’t want:
- A return to stay-at-home orders

What I do want:
- Major investment in proactive solutions that allow us to return as close to normal as possible
What do proactive solutions look like:
- Widespread testing
- Rapid diagnostic tests (imagine having a 20 pack!)
- Robust tracing to detect new infections
- Support for safe isolation
- Better public education and messaging
- Improved ventilation
- Increased mask-wearing
Proactive solutions can decrease the reproductive number without requiring the general public to stay at home. This also lowers the threshold for how many people we need to get vaccinated to achieve control.
We need to learn how to live safely, and that also means living sustainably.
- Use tracing data to identify high-risk venues that may need to stay closed for now (and need support from the government to do so)
- Use tracing data to identify low-risk venues (re-open the beaches!)
Investment in new treatments and vaccines is smart, but where is the investment in other response efforts? Getting cheap tests approved? Supporting our public health departments to trace and to analyze their data? There is so much more we can do right now.
You can follow @nataliexdean.
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