15 Eating Habits That Will Improve Your Health

1. Eat more protein

Protein is the king of macronutrients.

This will aid the growth and repair of your muscles and help you recover from training better.

It will also keep you fuller for longer.

Aim to eat consume around 1g protein per LB of bodyweight. 170 LB person = 170g.
2. Make breakfast optional

Breakfast being the most important meal of the day is a complete myth.

There are people who are hungry in the morning, many who are not.

Skip breakfast if you are not hungry.

If you are, opt for a high protein option such as a protein shake/eggs.
3. Track your food

Food tracking is a great habit to build.

Studies show that people underestimate their daily caloric intake by as much as 50%.

It will also keep you accountable.

Use the MyFitnessPal app to track your food 4-5 days per week with at least 2 days off.
4. More Eggs are good

Another myth is that eggs are bad for your cholesterol.

Research indicates no measurable increase in heart disease or diabetes risk from eating up to 6–12 eggs per week.

Eat eggs as you please.

Scrambled, poached, or boiled are good ways to cook them.
5. Say 'no' to Vegetable Oil

When vegetable oil is used to cook, the bonds in the Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids are shifted and turn into trans fats which causes oxidative stress and this wreaks havoc on our health.

Cook using traditional fats such as olive oil and peanut oil.
6. Avoid High Sugar Intake

Sugar jams hormone signals, it also clogs nutrient channels, weakening bone and muscle and slowing neural communication, which can impair mood and memory.

It's impossible to eliminate it fully, but try to limit your sugar intake where possible.
7. Get more Fish

One of the vitamins many people are deficient in is omega-3.

High omega-3 intake can improve eye health, reduce depression, and improve cognitive function.

Try to add fish to your diet at least 2x per week.

Salmon, Mackeral, Cod are good options.
8. Increase your water intake

Studies show that even just mild dehydration can impair many aspects of how your brain works.

This can lead to a lack of concentration and set you back drastically if you’re trying to perform at your best.

Aim to drink 3-4 liters of water per day.
9. Complex Carbs for the win

Complex carbohydrates are higher in fiber and will keep you feeling more satiated throughout the day.

Consume these as much as you can as your preferred energy source where possible.

Starchy vegetables and whole grains are good options.
10. Snack on the right foods

Good snacking options are foods that are high in protein, low in sugar, and low in overall calories.

Overall, try to keep your snacking to a minimum.

If you are to snack, aim to eat boiled eggs, whey protein, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or fruit.
11. Don't drink your calories

Soft drinks, juices, and certain hot beverages can contain huge amounts of calories and ingredients that you're unaware of.

Instead, drink water when you are thirsty, opt for a diet soft drink over a regular soft drink, and consume black coffee.
12. Add more White Potatoes to your meals

A study done in 1995, concluded that boiled white potatoes ranked highest on the satiety index when it came to foods that fill you up the most.

Add boiled white potatoes to your meals and spice them up with different meat/veg options.
13. Vegetables over fruit

Vegetables contain a higher nutrient-to-energy ratio than fruit and despite having great vitamin and mineral benefits, the fruit is still higher in sugar.

Fill your plate up with lots of veg such as spinach, broccoli, asparagus, cucumber, lettuce.
14. Drink Green Tea

Green tea is a lightly caffeinated hot beverage that can help boost your energy levels during the day.

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and polyphenolic compounds that have strong anti-inflammatory effects.

Consume Green Tea before 2 pm when low in energy.
15. Be consistent, not optimal

The key to healthy eating is to be consistent.

The more that you aim to be consistent, not optimal, the more you will build good systems that will help you make good choices when it comes to healthy eating.
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