Given continued uncertainty around the fundraising environment, sharing 10 ways to increase đź’¸ runway without pitching VCs

1/ Have customers pay upfront

Accept lower ACVs and give discounts to get money in the door faster
2/ Reduce cloud costs

Take a hard look at what goes into your AWS / GCP / Azure bill, there may be unused/underused servers or data that can be moved to cheaper storage mechanisms
3/ Re-negotiate credit terms with lenders

Ask for things like increasing the interest-only period
4/ Consolidate the number of SaaS vendors your team uses

Increase negotiating power with larger cross-company deals and/or reduce shadow IT by requiring a business case for employees to buy third-party software
5/ Sign multi-year deals with vendors

Try to get lower rates; also ask for quarterly payment terms
6/ Sub-lease or re-negotiate lease terms

Try to bring down your rate, especially if market rates have dropped (commercial SF rates I’ve heard are down ~20%)
7/ Salary reductions

Self-explanatory but also look at making bonuses stock instead of cash
8/ Charge for services

On-boarding, integrations, migrations, etc.
9/ Slow payments to vendors

With or without negotiating
10/ Collect cash from customers faster

Get aggressive đź’Ş
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