Today has seen a remarkable push of pro-hydroxychloroquine propaganda. The America's Frontline Doctors video on Breitbart. Trump retweeting a claim that it works, now removed by Twitter. Massive social media action. Rudy (below).

I don't understand it, but it feels coordinated.
Every single issue around COVID has become politicized.

Fascinating how arbitrary the political alignment is in some cases.

Back in 2019 you might have been able to predict some things: GOP wouldn't want to limit church services and Democrats would want free health care....
But I think you'd have been very hard pressed to predict which side would be pro-hydrochloroquine or even pro-mask.

For me this severe politicization of the entirely arbitrary highlights the ingroup-outgroup dynamics of the entire epidemic.
The renewed HCQ hype may indeed be a push to scapegoat the medical establishment for disaster caused by Trump's disinformation and his obstruction of control measures, testing infrastructure, data collection, and more.

See e.g. this comment from my mentions which echoes Rudy.
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