Following 12 weeks of moderate-to-vigorous intensity exercise, 58% of patients regressed one fibrosis stage and 67% of patients regressed one hepatocellular ballooning stage as measured by paired liver biopsies. 2/7
These histological improvements were paralleled by a 17% improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness and improvements in measures of central adiposity, with no significant dietary changes. However, no patients achieved the weight loss target of 7-10%. 3/7
Interestingly, patients that had fibrosis and ballooning regression significantly improved cardiorespiratory fitness by 25-26% while those patients without fibrosis or ballooning regression did not significantly improve cardiorespiratory fitness. 4/7
Is cardiorespiratory fitness a more sensitive marker to histological improvements in MAFLD during exercise trials rather than weight loss? More data is needed to confirm this. 5/7
Despite the significant benefits of exercise, all were lost upon a year follow-up, highlighting the need for strategies to be developed to promote lifelong adherence to exercise therapy in these patients. Is digital health technologies the answer for sustainability? Maybe! 6/7
Thanks to all authors for getting this over the line! @TheMooreLab @AnnMonaghan20 @mekennedypt and all not on the Twittersphere! 7/7
You can follow @PhilipOGorman3.
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