A thread on additive structures and the DfE guidance:

The NCETM have 'taking away' as part of the 'reduction' structure. Their distinction between the 'partition' and the 'reduction' structure seems to be that the former relates to situations where all objects of a set are...
...present at once (e.g. part-whole situations only), and the latter relates to situations with a distinct 'before and after'.

In contrast, Haylock appears to have 'taking away' as part of the 'partition' structure. His distinction between the 'partition and 'reduction'...
...structure seems to be that the former relates to separations within sets of discrete objects, and the latter relates to reductions in continuous amounts.

Until now, I had preferred Haylock's distinction (and thus an interpretation of 'taking away' as part of a...
...'partition' structure), but the publishing of the DfE maths guidance has given me pause.

So, what are your thoughts on this? Should 'taking away' be considered an example of 'partitioning' or an example of 'reduction'? Am I missing something obvious?
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and gain some clarity.

@mattswain36 @Kieran_M_Ed @MissSDoherty @StudyMaths @MrMattock
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