Founders often ask about the value early-stage VCs can add

Reflecting on 4 years in venture, I’ve found it generally falls into the below categories

1/ strategic advice

VCs work with multiple companies and have seen them through different stages of growth; they can share learnings to augment your strategy and prevent you from making the same mistakes as others (we advise a lot on GTM)
2/ future financings

Early-stage VCs will have relationships with later-stage VCs so have a sense of the milestones needed for a successful future raise; they can also advise on the best firms/partners for your space
3/ customer intros

Founders can tap VC relationships to get intros to the right stakeholders at potential customers (particularly for large enterprise)
4/ recruiting help

Founders can tap their VC’s network for hiring, particularly VP and above or outside board members/advisors; VCs can also help sell candidates
5/ relationships with service providers

VCs will have relationships with debt providers, law firms, the press, bankers, PR firms, media agencies, real estate brokers, etc. that their founders can leverage
6/ hiring plans + compensation benchmarking

VCs can advise on and provide comparable data for hiring plans based on what they’ve learned from other relevant companies and from databases like VCECS (ie. the going % FDE for VP Eng at your stage/location/sector)
7/ financial model benchmarking

VCs can provide benchmarks for key metrics (retention, freemium conversions, etc.) and orient you on what metrics matter; sometimes they can also help build/tweak the model if you ask nicely 🙃
8/ bridge capital

Sometimes things don’t go as planned, your early-stage investors can extend runway so the team doesn’t have to fundraise during a challenging time or accept unfavorable terms from an outside investor; they can also help think through a venture-debt strategy
9/ events + networking

VCs host events for functional areas (marketing, sales, etc.) and for specific topics (D&I initiatives, etc.) that can provide relevant insights and access to a community of other founders and functional leaders to learn from
10/ market perspective

VCs can be your second set of eyes monitoring competitor activity and M&A in your space; they may also have relationships with potential acquirers (we recommend getting to know these folks early, reality is most companies get acquired vs. IPO)
11/ voice amplifier

Some VCs have a fairly public presence so can get your announcements out to a broader audience
12/ trusted ally

Finally, being an early-stage founder can be a hard and lonely job; having someone you trust to bounce ideas off of and RIFF with can be super productive (& help keep you sane 🙏)
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