You don't want to become senile when you get old, right?

Yeah, I'm talking about Alzheimer's


By eating poorly, you are skyrocketing the risk of Alzheimer's

How is that?

Hear me out👇👇

By eating poorly, you are inviting insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes

Which are the essential risk factors for the Alzheimer Disease (AD)

Let me give you some info about AD

AD has been linked to

-Glucose hypometabolism (your brain cannot utilize glucose)
-Mitochondrial disfunction
-Impaired autophagy

These things might evoke something familiar...

Yeah, that familiar thing is FASTING

Fasting can actually prevent these things above


When you fast, you produce ketone bodies which is the key point here

-Your brain can utilize ketones as an alternative to glucose

-Ketones have anti-inflammatory effects

-Your brain actually uses ketones more efficiently than glucose by spending less oxygen and producing more energy.
Which means you improve mitochondrial function

-And as you know, fasting skyrockets autophagy

Don't think of this thread as a weird fasting promotion

Fasting is one of the healthiest things you can do for your health

And I don't promote what I don't find healthy as a medical intern

One last thing👇

Longer-term fasts (24+hours) are more beneficial than shorter-term fasts on these things I talked about above

Which are

-Ketone production

And so on...

Also, I have a big big surprise for you 👇

I wrote a guide about longer-term fasting

You can get more benefit out of your fast if you read it

And I'll send it to my email subscribers just for once in <24h

You don't want to miss this

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