Here is some context on TX hospitalization data.

On March, @JudgeClayJ explained that if we did nothing, TX would peak at 600k+ hospitalizations in April.

The red curve.
If instead we pursued a strategy of traditional mitigation, this would push the peak to May and lower it—but it would still exceed 200k.

This would overwhelmed our hospital system capacity (~50k).

Yellow curve.
Finally, if we lock down for three months—then our hope would be to push our peak to July and have a fighting chance of staying under capacity. Blue curve.

It is mid-June. We are at 3k hospitalized.
Also worth keeping in mind our mortality.

As @Jenkins explained, if we merely mitigated (which is what we have done), then we would be on track for 400k deaths.

It is mid-June. We are currently at 2k deaths.
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