Okay so let's make a symptom glossary.

Each tweet in this thread will be for discussing a different symptom family, which I know will get unwieldy.

Reply to this tweet with symptoms you'd like to see added (and I'll try to keep up).
If you have confirmed allodynia, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of skin pain.)
If you have confirmed neuropathy, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of nerve pain.)
If you have confirmed joint subluxations, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of hypermobility, more or less.)
If you have confirmed dysautonomia, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of a whole bunch of vague discomforts you might not have connected.)
If you have confirmed synesthesia, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of unexpected sensations.)
If you have confirmed endometriosis, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of some pelvic pain, typically in AFAB folks.)
If you have confirmed non-epileptic seizures, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of, well, seizures.)
If you have confirmed histamine reactions, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of allergies, mast cell reactions, etc.)
If you have confirmed dystonia, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of some types of maybe painful maybe involuntary movement.)
If you have a confirmed sensory processing disorder, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of a whole bunch of things you might not have connected.)
If you have brain fog, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of cognitive dysfunction, basically.)
If you have confirmed ataxia, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of neuro symptoms you might not have connected)
If you have confirmed spasticity, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of some muscle stuff)
If you have confirmed dissociation, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of disconnecting from your body, sort of)
I don't know how I put fatigue in the wrong place: https://twitter.com/bennessb/status/1235320056206241793
If you have confirmed costochondritis, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of a certain kind of chest pain)
If you have confirmed gastroparesis, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of a certain kind of digestive issue)
If you have confirmed aphasia, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of not being able to find the right words, more or less)
If you have confirmed (pre-)syncope, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of fainting, from a variety of causes)
If you have confirmed hypoglycemia, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of low blood sugar, more or less)
If you have confirmed vulvodynia, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of vulvar/vaginal pain)
If you have confirmed hypersomnolence/idiopathic hypersomnia/narcolepsy (plz note which one), could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of oversleeping problems)
If you have confirmed multiple chemical sensitivity, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of lots of environmental reactions)
If you've had confirmed iritis/uveitis, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of lots of eye inflammation)
If you've had confirmed post exertional malaise (PEM), could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of reactions to exercise or even lighter activities)
If you have experience with masking, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of sort of performative behaviors you might not realize you're doing.)
If you have confirmed adenomyosis, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of pelvic pain that is often confused and/or comorbid with endometriosis.)
If you have confirmed vaginismus, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of vaginal pain typically related to penetration.)
If you have confirmed PTSD flashbacks, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of a lot of experiences you might not have connected.)
If you have confirmed PTSD reynauds, could you reply to this tweet describing what that looks & feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of very cold and possibly discolored extremities.)
If you have confirmed structural neck/brainstem problems (CCI, chiari, stenosis, etc), could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of both physical neck problems & seemingly disconnected implications.)
If you have confirmed structural spine problems (like scoliosis), could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of, well, spine stuff.)
If you have chronic head pain (migraine, intercranial hypertension, daily headache, etc) could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of head pain and many related issues you might not be aware of.)
If you have vertigo, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of dizziness and weirder things you might not associate with vertigo.)
If you have panic attacks, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of acute anxiety and other things you might not associate with a panic attack.)
If you've had confirmed heart palpitations, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of weird heart stuff that can experientially overlap with some of the non-cardiac stuff upthread.)
If you have confirmed executive dysfunction, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of not being able to get started on tasks you want to do, for example.)
If you have confirmed working memory issues, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of brain fog type stuff you might not have associated with memory.)
If you have confirmed myofascial pain, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of well, a type of pain.)
If you have confirmed alexithymia, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of an experience of not being able to describe or identify feelings.)
If you have a GI condition (crohns/UC/IBD/etc), could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of all kinds of digestive distress.)
If you have meltdowns, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of a specific sort of overwhelm, kind of.)
If you have shutdowns, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of another type of emotional/cognitive type experience.)
If you have compulsions, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of sort of ritual behaviors.)
If you have tics, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of sort of sudden repetitive behaviors.)
If you have confirmed paranoia, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions that might be different from casual use of the term.)
If you have confirmed OCD, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions that might be very different from what TV led you to believe.)
If you have intense interests / special interests, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for more descriptions that might be different from what TV led you to believe.)
If you have intrusive thoughts, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of upsetting and unexpected thoughts or images, etc.)
If you have temperature sensitivity, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of, well, a bunch of things about being hot/cold.)
If you have confirmed derealisation, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of being a little bit removed from the world around you, sort of.)
If you have distorted visual perception, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of hallucinations or other visual surprises.)
If you have racing thoughts, could you reply to this tweet describing what that feels like for you?

(Read this for descriptions of a type of anxious brain.)
You can follow @bennessb.
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