✅ life long weakling, desk job, slug, couch potato
✅ >5 years ago started to change
✅ >5 months ⏫ physical strength started
✅ I'm just getting going
✅ Significantly ⏫ physical and metabolic health
✅ Reversing sarcopenia (muscle loss as you age)
✅ Reversed Pre T2D
✅ Visceral fat disappearing & being replaced by lean muscle mass
✅ Energy & desire: move all week daily
✅ ⏫ Mental clarity
✅ ⏫ Venous & Arterial health visually improved
✅ ⏫⏫ bigger veins
✅ Visible wrist pulse in 2 places: better arteries
✅ BP finally going 🔽
✅ Off one BP med & BP now running <110/<65 most days
✅ Metabolic markers all fantastic
✅ So how did I do it?
✅ I started losing wt when ~285 lbs
✅ lost >100 lbs over 5+ yrs. >35 lbs 4 years low carb
✅ >65 lbs over 18 months #keto #LCHP, #fasting Very Low Carb #eatmeat <20g carbs / day
✅ skip breakfast most days (IF)
✅ 2 to 3-day fasts about 2 / month
✅ Improved sleep - no coffee for the last 5 weeks
✅ Lower stress ➡️ prayer, gratitude, take nothing for granted, turn the news off, more time w/ my spouse, listen to music, smile & say hello to strangers
✅ Hot tub & sauna 3 to 5 / week
✅ Move my body
✅ And recently the biggest impact for ~5 months Body by Science (BBS) training - so-called resistance to failure (HIRT) ⏫⏫ Impact
✅ BBS takes me <20 mins / week
✅ Most weeks 7 days of recovery & hit BBS again
✅ Body by Science: A Research Based Program for Strength Training, Body buildin... https://www.amazon.com/dp/0071597174/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_TlitEb1KKMAK2 via @amazon
✅ <- great presentation by Dr. McGuff the author of Body by Science
✅ Foods
✅ No sugar, starch, or carbs except for occasion veggie.
✅ Meat, Fish, Eggs, Dairy
✅ Avocado, olives, fermented foods, infrequent salad
✅ ❓❓❓ Questions, just ask!
✅The END is just the beginning
✅ Less is More
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