THREAD: I've seen variants of this claim from randos on Twitter and *cough* on my YT comments saying "Jimmy Dore was right about everything!" I'm going to dispel this notion and I'm going to bring receipts (video or audio).
I debated about which miscalculation to put first, but I have to go with Jimmy's prediction that Trump being elected POTUS would lead to the destruction of the Republican Party. They're on the ropes for sure! #Gorsuch #Kavanaugh
Next would be Jimmy Dore's famous miscalculation that if Trump became POTUS, the Democrats could "easily" filibuster bad nominees. The Democrats DID filibuster Gorsuch, but predictably, Mitch McConnell nuked the filibuster and Gorsuch was confirmed. #SCOTUS
We also got Justice Kavanaugh...
Days before the 2016 Election, Jimmy Dore was certain that Hillary was not only going to win, but win in a landslide and that she would have a mandate. He recommended his audience vote Green EVEN IN A SWING STATE in order to weaken Hillary's mandate.
This will be a slow-developing, ever-growing thread. Coming Soon: Syria, Seth Rich, Parkinson's, Venezuela, Russiagate, Michael Brown, James Comey, Tulsi Gabbard, Rand Paul, and Darth Maul...
Final boneheaded 2016 prediction: Jimmy Dore predicted if Trump became POTUS, Dems would unite and join purple-state Republicans to oppose Trump. Reality? Democrats more divided than ever and GOP largely united behind Trump. Dems flipped House but not Senate. We'll see about 2020
Moving on, Jimmy Dore today claims that he never pushed or "chewed over" the Seth Rich conspiracy. Fox News and some other right wing publications have since issued apologies or retractions. Jimmy never apologized for his contribution:
Here is Jimmy Dore continuing to chew over the Seth Rich conspiracy. For Jimmy, whether a fact is true or not is subordinate to whether or not it advances his agenda. #AlternateFacts
For Act II of Jimmy Dore and Seth Rich, I'll just let this excellent @NBCNews segment speak for itself.
After the Fox News Seth Rich story unraveled, Jimmy Dore, instead of issuing an apology or a retraction, tries to pretend he never promoted the story to begin with. #Coward
Jimmy Dore admits that Rod Wheeler made him look like a jagoff on his original video. This was done on Aggressive Progressives when Jimmy knew the fewest people would be watching.
Moving on to Conspiracy Theory #2, Jimmy Dore joined the YouTube Right in pushing videos claiming Hillary Clinton had Parkinsons. Jimmy made TWO videos on this topic. Here's a sampling of the first video:
Jimmy Dore invites a couple of skeptics on to discuss Hillary Clinton's purported Parkinson's, both of whom do what skeptics do and are not having it (Sept. 2016):
This next section is going to be factual errors that Jimmy Dore has made. I'm going to start off with the moment I became a Jimmy Dore critic, from way back in 2014. 👇
In 2014, Jimmy Dore said it came out that Michael Brown (Ferguson shooting) paid for the cigars before leaving the store. If that were true, that would be huge! In reality, it's a classic example of Jimmy uncritically reporting dubious information the moment it confirms his bias.
When the Unite the Right rally happened, Jimmy Dore put out a video titled "Why Did Police Stand Down in Charlottesville?" In it, he suggests police wanted violence to break out between the two sides as a way to prevent left and right coming together against the establishment.
In 2016, Jimmy Dore and his side kick said that if he inspired right wing morons the way Sam Harris does, he'd rethink his comedy. Just take a look at the comments under any of his videos critical of Trump. Also, Richard Spencer shared one of Jimmy's videos today.
Interestingly, the above video is in the context of Paul Wolfowitz saying he'd vote for Hillary. Jimmy uses this to criticize Hillary, but does not apply the same standard when it's David Duke, Steve Bannon, Spencer, or Cernovich saying positive things about Tulsi Gabbard.
Jimmy Dore believes (or believed around 7/2018) that the all powerful DNC either coerced or conspired with 17 intelligence agencies to pin Hillary Clinton's loss on Russia. Watch!
Jimmy Dore throws around "Enemy of the People" when it comes to New York Times, Washington Post, and NBC, just like Donald Trump does (and fascists do #Lugenpresse). Cameo by Bernie who went onto TYT around the same time to tell Cenk mainstream media isn't "enemy of the people."
This excellent compilation by @Nitzky89 documents Jimmy's coverage of the Brazilian Operation Carwash (Lava Jato), which ultimately led to Jair Bolsonaro becoming president, by jailing Lula da Silva.
Jimmy Dore's problematic coverage of the Brazilian Operation Carwash (Lava Jato), which ultimately led to Jair Bolsonaro becoming president, by jailing Lula da Silva. (Vid from previous tweet is now derelict)
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