Yoonmin AU 🍑

Every single student in Jimin's class is an Agust D stan, one day they all stayed behind after the final bell the watch Agust D's vlive together.
Jimin was the only one who didn't give a fuck and people are wondering why.
- the plot is not mine, but from a phanfic (dan+phil) i read a long time ago however, they're not completely the same. i unfortunately couldn't find the particular fic anymore.

- do not reply to the thread, only rt w comment
- if there are any similarities with other works, it is by pure coincidence as im not some bitch who steals the fruit of other's hard work. [aside from the plot as i stated above.]
The final bell is music to every student's ears. However, students in Jimin's class were looking forward to the bell for a completely different reason today.

Once the final bell rang, everyone reached for their bag under their desks but Jimin was the only one
who stood to make his way out of the room.

Once he got to the door, he saw his classmates huddling large groups, all with their phones in their hands, some with earphones in.




Jimin was staring at the scene in confusion, having no idea what was happening until he walked over to his friend Taehyung, who had his full attention on his phone. Jimin pulled one of Tae's earphones out.

"What's happening?"
Taehyung didn't even spare him a glace as the boy pushed the earphone back in his ear.

Jimin looked up as the whole class including Taehyung laughed in unision.

In an attempt to find out what the scene was about, he decided to
use his authority as the class president, positioning himself in front of the teacher's desk and slamming a fist onto the wood, however not even half of the class had acknowledged his action.

"What's going on here?"

The class vice president, Jiyeon
spoke out. "It's Agust D's liveshow. The class agreed to watch it together."

"SSSHHH." said ten students as soon as she finished speaking.

"Agust D, the rapper guy?" Jimin asked to no one in particular.

"He's also a Youtuber!" Tae spoke up this time.
Jimin walked over to Taehyung, peering over the boy's shoulder to see a black haired boy on the screen, talking and laughing.

Taehyung, noticing the Jimin's presence tugged at his sleeve. "You should watch with us, you're the only one in the class who doesnt know
a thing about Agust D."

"Yeah." Jiyeon, who wasn't so far spoke up. "Our class would be cool if everyone of us had a single common interest. As our president, you should be involved."

Jimin just shrugged. "I don't see the appeal." He slung his bag on his shoulder.
"Whatever, you all enjoy yourselves, i'm going home."

Jungkook, who was sat next to Taehyung was the only one who responded to him. "Suit yourself. It'll be the only thing the whole class will be talking about for the next days."
The whole class laughed again, probably at something Agust D said.

Jimin just shrugged and walked out the room, he wind from the outside resulted to him pulling the door shut very loudly.

"SHHHH HAVE SOME FUCKING RESPECT." he heard Tae yell from the inside.
Jimin just chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets as he made his way out of the school and back home.
Yoongi had just finished talking about how he's in the middle of making his next mixtape.

He did lives to interact more with his fans, to show his appreciation for them and all their support.

Everyone's favorite part of the liveshow was when Yoongi answered
questions that fans send through the chat.

He read a question out loud. "How old are you? I have a Wikipedia page but for the sake of whoever asked, i'm 21." He laughed at the comments saying he was so young to be as popular as he currently was.
"Are you currently studying? Yes. Of course I am. I'm enrolled in global cyber academy, studying is a lot more bearable when it's done through a screen and not in a classroom."

There were types of questions he would answer, avoiding the nasty ones that violate his privacy.
But he was feeling a bit bold today, and he knew how much fans loved the juicy secrets about his personal life.

"How old do you prefer your partner to be? First, I like how you used the word 'partner' well, legal age I guess."
Another question popped out, a particular question asked by dozens of people. "What is your sexuality?" Yoongi shrugged after he read the question. "I prefer not to label myself honestly. I feel like a label will cage me from loving who i want to love."
"HE'S NOT STRAIGHT, OUR DICKS HAVE A CHANCE!" one boy from the class yelled.

Laughter roared in the room as everyone's eyes were still glued to their screens.
A few more questions about his upcoming mixtape were answered by Yoongi before another question came up.

"Are you in a relationship?"

"WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK, IS HE GOING TO ANSWER THAT?" Jiyeon's voice was a higher volume than everyone's screams in the room.
Yoongi ran his hands through his hair and opened his mouth to answer,

but he was cut off by a knock on the room's door, Yoongi turned in his chair to face the door.

"come in." Yoongi spoke calmly.

"Aren't you doing a liveshow? I just wanted to let you know that i'm home." The voice from the other side of the door spoke, his voice muffled by the distance and hardly understandable.
The whole classroom fell silent, intently absorbing every detail of what was happening.

"Yes i am, come in."

The person at the door paused before he spoke again. "A-are you sure?"

Jungkook had his eyebrows furrowed. "Am I the only one who thinks that that voice is familiar?"
"Of course I am."

There were nods in agreement and a lot of 'yeah's throughout the room.

The door was cracked open slowly, the whole class brought their phones closer to their eyes in anticipation.
As the door was being pushed open, Yoongi turned in his chair once again to face the camera.

"To whoever asked that, perfect timing."

The door fully opened and the short boy came into the view of the camera, wearing a large grey hoodie that obviously didnt belong to him.
Yoongi stood to get another chair and placed it next to his.

As the boy got nearer and nearer to the camera, his features became clearer and clearer.

"You've changed out of your uniform?"

"yeah. it was uncomfortable."

"That was quick."
Once the boy sat down and looked straight into the camera, the whole classroom was more silent than it was a minute ago, the students could hear each other's breaths.

"So, here's my answer. Everyone, this is my lover."
The boy waved to the camera, smiling shyly.

"T-that sneaky fucker." Taehyung said.
That broke the silence, it was full chaos in the classroom, screaming and banging of fists on desks echoed even through the hallways.


Yoongi smiled fondly at the boy, who was also looking back at him, unsure of what to say or do.

"Introduce yourself, love."
The boy nodded, eyes going to the camera once again as he waved his hand.

"I'm Jimin. Park Jimin, I'm 18, still studying."

The confirmation was the only thing the class needed and the room seemed to be a jungle, Taehyung himself ending up jumping on the teacher's desk.

Jiyeon was running around the room, screaming her lungs out. "NO WONDER HE DIDNT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE LIVE- HE COULD SEE AGUST D IRL."

Yoongi chuckled at Jimin's words and the younger smacked his arm. "what the heck was i supposed to say?" he whined
"No-no, i-" Yoongi had to catch his breath. "You're just really cute."

Jimin's blush could be seen even through the average quality of the camera.

"THAT'S IT. JUNGKOOK SHOW ME YOUR PHONE, I HAVE TO USE MINE." Taehyung yelled as he hopped off the teacher's desk.
Yoongi read another question about how they met, and Jimin rested his head on the boy's shoulder as he did.

"Let's save all that info for another day." Yoongi said, not quite answering the question.

"Oh can i say something?" Jimin perked up.

"Of course."
Yoongi gestured to the camera for Jimin to proceed.

"A shout out to my class." Jimin laughed. "Please don't kill me when i get to school tomorrow."

Just then, Jimin's phone started ringing, he fished it out of the pocket of the hoodie.
He didn't bother checking the caller ID before answering it and pressing it againts his ear.


"I AM GOING TO TEAR YOU APART LIMB BY LIMB PARK JIMIN." Taehyung's voice said from the end of the line. He could hear the background noise, it sounded like a jungle.
Jimin laughed, covering his face as he did.

Yoongi overheard what Taehyung yelled through the phone and laughed as well. He took the phone from Jimin and looked at the caller ID. "Please don't do that Kim Taehyung. He'll make it up to you."
"AGUST D HIMSELF JUST FUCKING SAID MY NAME DID YOU ALL HEAR THAT?" Taehyung kept yelling and screaming through the line.

Jimin flinched at the loud volume. "How am i going to make it up to them?" Jimin asked, turning to Yoongi.
Yoongi just laughed as he looked at the camera, "Hey, everyone in Jiminie's class who wants to kill him." He waved at the camera. "I'll pick him up from school tomorrow so you can kill me instead."

Jimin's laugh rang throughout the room as he smacked Yoongi's chest again.
Yoongi just grabbed the hand Jimin used and held it beneath the view of the camera, intertwining their fingers.

"I'm kidding though, don't actually kill us. Consider it a private meet and greet."
By the incoherent screams coming from the phone, Yoongi figured that they'll be looking forward to it.

Jimin pressed the end call button and put the phone away.

"So anyway, it's getting late and i still need to shower my boyfriend with love and affection so
i'll be going now." Yoongi smiled at the camera and after some final words, he shut it off, turning to Jimin as soon as he did.

"They're going to kill me." Jimin laughed.

"They won't." Yoongi stated as he leaned in to press a kiss on Jimin's forehead.
"They wouldn't dare, considering they're getting a free private meet and greet cause of you."

Jimin giggled. "Perks of having a classmate who's dating a famous rapper?"

Yoongi laughed as he played with Jimin's fingers. "You get the best perks for dating a famous rapper."
"And what are those?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi thought first before he shrugged. "Avoiding getting murdered by your classmates?"

"I was thinking more like getting to see your face in real life everyday," The younger laughed. "But avoiding murder is a huge win too."
"Fucking dork." Yoongi leaned in, pressing his lips againts his lover's

Jimin didn't want to think of anything else. His mind clouded with the euphoric feeling Yoongi brought to him.

He couldn't even think of what would happen tomorrow, hopefully he wouldnt get murdered.
[ E N D ]

- thank u for reading! if you enjoyed, please check out my other aus in my pinned tweet! <3 ily all.
a sequel!! https://twitter.com/rapIineaus/status/1281121825548840964?s=20
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