A short thread: Comparing the Trump paintings of Jon McNaughton, with state “art” of North Korea worshipping the Kim Dynasty.
And one more. (For now, anyway…)
Another one in the series: Jon McNaughton painting on one side, North Korean state "art" on the other. https://www.nknews.org/2013/10/north-koreas-nuclear-backpacks-appear-on-850-oil-paintings/
Here's some more: Jon McNaughton painting on one side, and North Korean state "art" on the other.
Another pair in the series: The latest Jon McNaughton painting — juxtaposed alongside the state "art" of North Korea.
And here's another: Jon McNaughton painting on one side, and North Korean state "art" on the other. https://hapskorea.com/photos-exclusive-look-inside-north-korea/
Another pair in the series: Jon McNaughton's latest painting of Trump on one side — and North Korean state "art" on the other. (h/t on the NK image: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/7b7vj9/behind-mansudae-the-most-prominent-art-institution-in-north-korea)
Here's another one in the series: Jon McNaughton's new painting of Trump on one side, and North Korean state "art" glorifying the Kim Dynasty on the other. (Source on the NK image: http://www.thebohemianblog.com/2012/09/dark-tourism-pyongyang-north-korea.html)
Another one in the series: Jon McNaughton painting of Trump on one side — and North Korean state “art” glorifying the Kim Dynasty on the other.
Another entry in the series: The latest Jon McNaughton painting on one side — and North Korean state “art” on the other side.
Another pairing in the series: The new Jon McNaughton painting on one side — and North Korean state “art” on the other side.
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