People often talk about marriage, by first saying: "Marriage is a beautiful thing".

But is it really a beautiful thing when it only suits one party who has being raised to expect a personal chef and cleaner who makes the home conducive while he accomplishes his own dreams?
When marriage often means the end or slowing of self actualization for women is it really a beautiful thing?

When a man isn't raised to actively support his wife in her career by being domestically efficient. When marriage means career suicide, is it really a beautiful thing?
People often ask me if I would get married when they hear I'm a feminist. This is cause they know.

They know that the idea of feminism is in contrast with the traditional idea of marriage cause traditionally marital success is built on the subjugation and endurance of women.
Society knows that most women would not agree with the reality of marriage. And you know what it does?

It paints this idea of marriage as what makes a woman a "complete woman". It convinces women that being single at a certain age is the pathway to an unhappy ending in life.
It does this through making statements like: "The happiest day of a woman's life is her wedding day".

This is as though all other days like the day she becomes a CEO cannot count as "happiest days" until a man thinks he does her the silly favor of marrying her.
It also does this through making women scared of not having children. This is done by continually reminding us of "biological clock".

This in turn makes women settle and have children with shitty men who end up not being involved fathers all just bc she wants to be a mother.
The only type of marriage that appeals to me, is one where both the man and woman are benefitting.
The type of marriage where a man isn't praised to the highest heavens cause he picked up a diaper.
Sadly, these marriages are not the reality of our society as Africans.
Until women begin to date men for their characters and not because we want the leftover respect that comes with being a "Mrs Somebody", we shall call it by it's name: A Scam
Until women begin to put "Wife" in their bios cause they truly want to celebrate their relationships and not cause they want to "prove" they are now taken, we shall call it by it's name: A Scam.
Until we begin to teach girls to cook and clean because these are skills any human being needs.

Until we stop thinking, "You'll make a good wife" is a suitable compliment when a girl cooks nice food, we shall call it by it's name: A Scam.
Until movies like War Room stop being produced.
Until women are not told to "fast and pray and just think of the children" when a husband cheats.

Until that time, we shall call it by its name: A Scam.
Until the Nigerian constitution criminalizes marital rape.
Until people stop defending marital rape with the statement: "He has paid bride price".

Until the culture of bride price is eradicated or changed drastically, we shall call it by it's name: A Scam.
Until we stop discouraging women from getting PhDs. Until we stop making girls drop certain dreams e.g being doctors under the pretext of "Who would marry you?" and "You would not have time to take care of your family".

Until that time, we shall call it by its name: A Scam.
Until the statement: "Man is the head" dies by raging fire.

Until we stop the practice where women do most of the work managing the home but the credit goes to the man as the "head".

Until women can have a say at family meetings we shall call it by it's name: A Scam.
Until women are not told to bring a "letter of permission" when they want to insert contraceptives into their OWN bodies.

Until women can have access to birth control without being asked "Miss or Mrs".

Until we have bodily autonomy, we shall call it by its name: A Scam.
Until women look forward to marrying cause our partners would help us grow and glow.

Until women stop thinking that marrying a rich man is the end of them seeking financial independence.
Until marriage stops being an economic necessity, we shall call it by its name: A Scam.
Until marriage becomes a symbiotic relationship like God intended.

Until it stops being a parasitic one where a man feeds off a woman's labour till she dries up and starts looking older than her age, we shall call it by it's name:

A Scam.
A Scam.
A Motherfucking Scam.
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