— saida social media au where kim dahyun’s slides into someone’s instagram dms not knowing that the girl is actually a famous youtuber
[ i hate the predective on the keyboard :) ]
“Sorry about that,” The Japanese girl said as she lead Dahyun to one of the open tables.

“What? The reason why I almost lost my ear function in my early twenties?”

Sana just let out a laugh. “Dahyun I-“

“You’re pretty famous, I know.”

“You do?”

“At first I didn’t but-“
“My friends kinda freaked out when you were spotted on campus and I didn’t really know who you were.” Dahyun admitted with a grin.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you knew?”

“Well you didn’t tell me either.” Dahyun pointed out, “Figured you liked being not known for once?”
“Thank you,” Sana said with a genuine smile. “I would understand if you’re uncomfortable with the attention, I can leave you alone-“

“Don’t worry, I don’t mind. I like being around you.”

“I like being around you too,” Sana whispered out. “Recommend me some good food from here?”
since u guys needed an update :-)
“Dahyun-ah?” She heard the familiar voice through the phone. Not daring to look up, knowing that she would go weak once she met the other girls eyes.


“You know, the roses I sent look really good in your dorm but I would rather look at you.” Sana said with a chuckle.
“Which one were your favorites?”

“All of them,”

“You don’t have a favorite one?”

“The lavender rose and circus roses looked the prettiest but,” She paused and finally met Sana’s eyes. “The little notes meant the most.”

“I’m sorry,” Both girls breathed out at the same time.
She saw Sana give her a confused glance. “What are you sorry for?”

“I shouldn’t have been so stubborn, I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.”

“I can’t be mad at you for that, I should’ve admitted our relationship, there wouldn’t have been a problem if I wasn’t so stupid.”
“Hey, no don’t say that.” Dahyun breathed out. “We weren’t together at least, not officially.”

“We could’ve been.” Sana said. “We still can.”


“Didn’t I prove to you how much I love you?”

“You did.” Dahyun acknowledged. “Hey, can we finish this later? Or text?”
“Uh, sure, but why?” Sana asked anxiously biting her lip.

“Don’t worry, it’s just my roommates are about to come home and they’re really noisy.”

“Oh, text me? I don’t want to stop talking to you.” Sana admitted.

“I will, oh and Sana?”


“I love you too.”
It was around 4 AM when the girls arrived in Tokyo. The only thing Dahyun knew was that Sana had moved there when she gained started vlogging.

Dahyun was tired, not having closed an eye yet, she was simply just to excited. “So, where are we going tour guide?” Chaeyoung asked.
“Uhm, I don’t know?”

“What?” Tzuyu asked this time.

“I haven’t planned that far ahead yet.”

“Well plan faster, I’m tired.” The youngest mumbled out. “Let’s go to a hotel or your girlfriends house, decide something.”
“I kinda don’t really know where she lives either.” Dahyun admitted, biting her lip.

“You don’t?!” Chaeyoung nearly screamed. “You’re the worst tour guide I’ve ever met.”

“I’m not even a tour guide.” She answered. “Why don’t you two go ask for the closest hotel, alright?”
“I can’t believe you came here.” Sana mumbled out while the two girls laid on the couch in Sana’s living room. “Like you actually flew all the way here for me.”

“Of course, you’re not the only romantic person in this relationship.” Dahyun teased.
“I would follow you around the world too, Sana-ya.”

“I love you so much.” The older girl mumbled into Dahyun’s neck. “Please don’t leave, stay here forever.”

“Glady.” She stated while she kissed the top of her girlfriends head.

“I don’t want to ask this but I should-“
Sana sighed. “When are you leaving?”

“I haven’t booked a flight back yet.”

“You haven’t? But what about classes?”

“I‘ll probably miss a few.” She replied and she felt Sana lift her head ready to protest. “It’s no problem, I have a perfect attendance and my grades are good.”
”I wouldn’t have expected less from you.” The Japanese said with a smile. “But school is important so don’t forget that.”

Dahyun let out a laugh. “You didn’t even go to college yourself.”

“I know, I regret that, I’m really lucky that my life turned out well enough.”
“-I cherish that everyday. School comes before me okay?”

“Whatever you say,” She replied with a chuckle. “I don’t want to fly back on my birthday anyway.”

“Monday right?”

“Hm,” She mumbled. “Wait, you know my birthday?”

Sana gave her an offensive look. “Of course I do.”
Sana acknowledging those things made her heart swell. It made her stomach feel flutterly, it made her face gain an undeniable smile. “Chaeyoung and Tzuyu wanna meet you tonight, they suggested dinner.”

“That sounds really good-“

“They only want to go if it’s free food.”
Sana snorted. “They’re that bad?”

“They made me pay their flight tickets.”

“You paid for you all?” Sana asked while Dahyun nodded. “Let me pay you back.”

“What? Why would you?”

“Cause you came to see me.”

“So? It’s fine, I can afford it.” Dahyun said with a smile.
“But thank you for offering.”

“Can I invite Mina and Momo too for tonight?”

“Of course,”
[since you guys needed an update]
I should just end the story here, right? since not all stories have happy endings?
End? Yes? No? ... :)
A year later and here Dahyun was, still searching for that feeling that was missing. The feelings only a certain Japanese could bring to her.

A year later and here Sana was, never moved on. Still searching for the fraction of a feeling the Korean girl used to give her.
Dahyun‘s father had woken up almost 4 months after the accident, not remembering anything, he suffered from post-traumatic amnesia.

Dahyun tried her best to explain what had happened and why he was on his way to see her.
He apologized and apologized. He told her his thoughts about the accident, that it had happened for a reason- believing that it was Gods way of ticking him on his fingers, that he was wrong. Giving him a new chance to start over.

He was ashamed with past him, but everything had-
-a reason and God made no mistakes.

So if that meant that his girl fell in love with another one then that was no mistake. It was love, nothing more, nothing less.

Dahyun didn’t try to get back into contact with Sana, but the feelings never went away, she watched every vlog-
-Sana had posted, kept up to date with everything she did.

The Korean girl felt guilty, she had broken Sana’s heart twice in less than a month. Sana deserved better in her eyes.

Sana never moved on, she just couldn’t. Frequently texting either Chaeyoung or Tzuyu for the-
-smallest updates.

She never blamed Dahyun for the way she handled things, at first she was disappointed, sad and maybe even mad but she could understand where the girl was coming from.
But Sana had never forgiven herself for not fighting for the Korean girl, but it’s what Dahyun asked for so she respected her wishes.

Now here she was, walking the streets of Seoul, the Japanese girl was immediately brought back to the memories she shared with the younger girl.
Walking past the places they filmed their first vlog together. Sana was lost in her thoughts and before she knew she made contact with the pavement underneath her.

Eyes closed because of the shock but immediately smelling a familiar perfume, a perfume she knew all to well.
“I’m so sorry! I should’ve looked where I was-“

The moment she heard the girl speak her heart ached but her stomach fluttered. Sana Immediately turned around and was met with the face that she had seen countless times in her

does anyone still want a sequel to this au? or just a new one?
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